Thursday, September 12, 2013

We are what you think - the power of Thoughts

We are what you think - the power of Thoughts

Thoughts affect us in a number of ways. Thoughts are a vital tool in creating the reality we experience. They create our emotional states. They affect our bodies and, therefore, our health. Thoughts influence our responses to life and our relationships. Thoughts determine our choices.

We are a living magnet; we invariably attract into our life the people, situations and circumstances that are in harmony with our dominant thoughts.

This is one of the great laws that explain much of success and failure in business and personal life. It has been written about as far back as the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, 3000 years before Christ. It is so powerful, pervasive and all encompassing that it affects everything you do or say, or even think or feel.

Creative Visualization And The Law of Attraction

Visualization is easy to use. Like all the other tools of creation, we use visualization every day to create our experience of reality. Daydreaming, fantasizing, mental rehearsals, and imagination are all examples of visualization. We have all daydreamed about an upcoming vacation or a visit with a favorite friend. Many of us have fantasized about winning the lottery or getting a better job.

The Universal Law of Allowing

Do you think that if someone with beliefs opposed to yours gets their way, you can't have your way? Or do you believe there's room for it all? Of the three Universal Laws of Attraction, the Law of Allowing may be the most difficult one to get our hearts and minds around.

Are there any laws governing the Universe?

Yes, but not in the sense that a lawmaker has devised a law. Laws exist which are natural laws, similar to the Laws of Physics that your scientists recognise. The primary law is the Law of Love; all things exist within this law and are created out of it. Love is the total and complete acceptance of what is. Love allows. Love is about allowing yourself to be whom and what you are and allowing that same right to all others.

Without the Law of Love, free will could not exist, for free will is free will.

Growing Energy Balls

Most of the time, we take a longer and more involved "route" to fulfillment than we need to, because we tend to focus on working toward our goals through physical action rather than manifesting them through inner vision. When we employ the law of attraction and focus our full attention on what we desire, we fuel the creation of what we want in our lives. The more we focus on a particular goal, the stronger its potential becomes. Through repeated thought or focus, we actually create a thought form that becomes self-sustaining.

The Power of Concentration and the Law of Attraction

Everything in creation is influenced by the law of magnetism (also called Law of Attraction). The law of magnetism teaches us that whatever we concentrate upon, we draw to ourselves. If we focus on goodness, our life can be a garden of happiness; if we concentrate on wealth, we will draw wealth to ourselves.

Success in life presupposes the power of concentration. Just as a magnet draws to itself iron filings and not rice grains, so too, the quality of our focused thoughts will create a dynamic but silent power within that will find us placed in situations akin to the nature of our thoughts. If we think ' good health ' and with faith and belief embed this deeply within our minds over a sustained period of time, we will gradually create for ourselves situations and an environment, which will be conducive to good health.

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