Friday, September 13, 2013

Human Body: The Ultimate Automobile

Human Body: The Ultimate Automobile 

One may be surprised if I say that our human body is just like a car that we find running on the roads, the only difference is that this human car is far more efficient and superior to the metal cars, which more developed and designed by scientists and engineers after a lot of research effort. Both these cars need a driver to run. The driver of Human car i.e. body, is the SOUL. For safe driving driver must have an easy access to all the controls like clutch, brake, accelerator, steering, etc. In the same way, the soul, the driver of the body also needs to have proximity to all the controlling organs of the body. Eyes are the glass windows of the car to see through, thoughts are the accelerator, intelligence is the brake, mouth is the horn, hands and legs are the four wheels, etc. 

To control all these organs properly and in time the soul driver has to sit in the place from where it can control all these organs. The best place is the hypothalamus, behind the forehead between the two eyebrows which is also referred to as the seat of the soul. The car gets its energy by the ignition of a fuel like petrol, in a combustion chamber along with air by a suitable sparking mechanism using a spark plug. When the fuel burns, it expands causing a reciprocating motion of a piston, which in turn is converted into a rotary motion using a crank and connecting a rod mechanism. This rotary motion is transmitted to the wheels through a suitable transmission system and the car starts moving. Now look at the human body. It also requires the fuel to burn in combination with oxygen to get life energy.

What is the fuel for the human body?

Don’t be surprised if I say that sugar is the fuel for the body! The food what we eat is converted into glucose through various digestive systems in the body like stomach, small intestine, lever, big intestine, etc. The air from the atmosphere is inhaled through the nose and in the lungs oxygen is separated from the air and injected into the blood stream. The lever injects the glucose from food into blood. All human organs are made up of cells with similar design, but different shape, colour and function. Each cell has a stove called Mitochondria, where the glucose is burnt using oxygen and heat energy is produced. This heat energy is used for the functioning of all organs. Without this energy, the human being is as good as dead.

In a car if the used petrol is contaminated or adulterated, there is no method to detect it and avoid it. This adulteration causes malfunctioning of various parts and efficiency is reduced. In the design of human body, Nature has provided an organ called pancreas, which testifies the sugar in the blood by secreting insulin. Sugar with insulin is called glucose and is permitted to enter the cell for producing heat energy. When pancreas does not testify the sugar with insulin, it is bad sugar and it will not be permitted to enter the cell and will be sent out as waste through urine.

No human made automobile till date has a system like body to test and permit the fuel quality. If anybody can design a system to testify the fuel in the car, that is going to be the best performing car in the world! In the car, to filter the solid particles like dust in the suction line, a filter is incorporated. This filter requires to be replaced every 5000 or 10000 km of car running. Otherwise the filter will not function properly.

In human body, the nose acts as an inlet suction pipe and to prevent dust, etc. entering the lungs, a hair mesh filter is provided near the tip of the nose, which acts as a filter. This filter does not require a replacement till death. Once the fuel is burnt and piston is moved, the waste product of combustion is required to be removed from the system for the next cycle to start. For this, in cars exhaust pipes are provided with silencers. This creates a lot of problems, requiring the silencer to be cleaned frequently to remove carbon deposits. Whereas inhuman body the same nose is used both for inhaling and exhaling, i.e. both inlet and exhaust pipes are combined. Such combined inlet and exhaust pipes are not designed so far in any of the human designed cars. Also in cars, oxygen is not separated from air and sent into the combustion chamber. Air containing only about 27% Oxygen is sent. This reduces the efficiency of the engine whereas in human body, lungs separate the oxygen from air and provide supply to the blood vessels. If such a system is incorporated in cars, the efficiency will be enormously improved. Some engineers should look into this aspect seriously to get better efficiency in cars. If the fuel is adulterated or contaminated, the car gets damaged. In the same way, if human beings don’t control the food intake and eat unhealthy food, they suffer from ailments. Again, by touching the engine a good mechanic is able to tell its condition. In the same way, by testing the body temperature, the doctors are in a position to judge the condition of the body. So the fever is only warning us that something is wrong with the body. Fever by itself is not a disease. As by hearing the noise of the engine we can tell about the functioning health of the car, similarly we can also tell the condition of the body by listening to the heart-beat.

The petrol tank of the car is limited in size. Hence we have to fill the tank at regular intervals, say 400 to 600 km. In the same way, a human body also requires to be fed with good and proper food at regular intervals. The car also requires servicing and cleaning at regular intervals. Similarly a human body also requires to be maintained both internally and externally at regular intervals (daily bath for external cleaning, dieting, fasting, healthy food habits, etc. for internal cleaning). If the driver of the car is not drunk, and he takes good rest etc., he can safely drive the car to destination. During the travel, there will be lots of speed breakers, traffic lights, human crowd, etc. In the same way, the soul has to travel a very long journey and during its journey it will meet lots of obstacles like anger, ego, body-consciousness, hatred, lust, waste thoughts, negative thoughts, etc. To overcome all these obstacles, the soul-driver has to apply brakes to the thought. That is why traffic control is advised.

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