Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Expectations lead to unnecessary pain and disappointments.

Sometimes we expect a person we love to act in certain way towards us, and when they don't we are disappointed, become miffed with them and then feel that the person does not love us enough, or does not care etc.

The fact is that one cannot project your own expectations onto another person - how they should act or be, etc. You cannot think for them, nor can you see what is there really in their hearts and soul.

Everyone has a different way of expressing love.

Some might SHOW you love more in the way they do things for you, and are happy to assist you and help in some way. They are more inclined to express love with actions and deeds, than verbally. That is just the way they are wired.

Others might find it easy to write poems, letters, or verbally express what they feel.
Others love just coming a given one a heart-felt hug, or just cuddle up.

Sometimes that love is so deep, and so profound, that they feel vulnerable in expressing it, for they do not always know how you will react to the depth and breadth of their love. They need to trust you so much that feel safe with you, safe enough to express what is there deep inside of them, and know you will be open for that.

Sometimes it is best to just go through life without expectations, but rather to focus on mission and seeing life as an adventure.

When the focus shifts just a little bit, then we are open to surprises, to the gifts life brings and then we become more grateful, for the unexpected blessings and love we find along the way!

What is more precious than a totally unexpected gift of love?

The law of karma, it always follow you, you can hide from everyone, but you cannot hide from your karma. The only option man have is to improve it.

The law of Karma based on the course effect relationship not only on the physical plane but also on the mental and normal planes. In physical phenomena, the cause and effect relationship can easily be demonstrated but in regard to Karma Theory the effect of action cannot be physically analysed. The law of Karma operates through a series of births. Man has to suffer the consequences of his actions until he succeeds in regulating his actions by free knowledge and wisdom.

The Karma philosophy has not baffled people for centuries. The complexities of these phenomena have never been fully understood by many ancient civilisations nor will it ever be understood by the present.

The Law of Karma centres on the philosophy that as a man sows, so shall he reap. It is one of the major tenets of Hinduism and is an important part of the daily lives of Hindus. Karma is born from desires and we are born from Karma. Much effort is placed in obtaining objects of desire and the fruits of such desire are produced in the form of pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow.

The fruits of Karma cannot be reaped in one lifetime. One has to go through numerous cycles of births and deaths in order to reap all the fruits of their Karma, be it good or bad. Performance of good actions and noble deeds produces the Karmic fruit of joy, happiness and peace while; the performing of evil and bad deeds produces the fruit of sorrow, unhappiness and pain. The fruits of Karma not experienced in this lifetime are carried on to the next life so that the individual can get his full dues, whatever that may be. The deeds performed are what determine the character of the next existence.

Clearly it can be seen that the precepts of Karma is embedded in the science of reincarnation. One does not stop existing after death. The death process causes the soul to depart from one body into another and the benefits of one's past Karma continues until that soul achieves the supreme state of consciousness.

Whenever there is a cause an effect must be produced. In other words, karma means not only action but also result of an action. The consequences of action are not a separate thing. The causer of the action cannot be separated from the action. Behind an action, there are desires and thoughts, desires of object arises in the mind then one thinks of how the desire can be fulfilled, then exerts to possess the desire to be fulfilled. Desire and the action always go together. Thought of desire, how to fulfil the desire and the action to achieve the desire, these are the three threads that are the causes of the karma.

The law of karma is one of the fundamental doctoring in Hinduism. As a man sow so shell he rips. This is the law of karma. If you do an evil action you will suffer from it. On the other hand, if you do a good action you will benefit from it. There is no power on the earth which can stop the result of karma from yielding its fruits. Every thought, every word every deed is as if were weighted on the scale of eternal justice. Hindu believes things on this universe do not happen accidentally of haphazardly. There is a certain definite connection between what is happening now, and the law of karma.

Every action produces 3 fold effects. It will give you an appropriate reward; will affect your character, leaves behind an impression in your mind. Just as a mango seed produces a mango tree and rice planted in the field produces a rice plant, wheat plane will result in wheat harvest, the karma produces an equivalent result good or bad according to your deed. If you do evil actions you will rip pain and suffering as your benefit. If you do good things you will rip pleasure and happiness. This is the basic law of karma.

Whatever you saw by your action comes back to you. Your actions of the past are responsible for your present condition your present action will shape will shape your future; there is nothing chaotic in this world. You will become good by good actions and bad by bad actions. Understand this law, and live wisely, have noble thoughts that will only bring you happiness.
Varahamihira   says that Astrology, like a lamp throws light on the dark recesses of the future and reveals the results and consequences of Karma done in previous lives.

Man suffers and enjoys the fruits of his past Karma then what part do planets play in this game? Do they blindly and mechanically indicate the current of human destines or is there any active agency on the part of the planets.

If a man loses his son, he suffers from his Karma, which might consists in his having caused a similar affliction to somebody in his previous birth and not because mars occupies the 5th house in the horoscope. The time of fruition also synchronized with the Dasa indications.

In life there is a continuous struggle between destiny (Vidhi) and free Will (Ichcha Shakti,) and at any time the resultant of these two operative forces determines one’s action.

In the ordinary man, free Will (Ichcha Shakti,) is not very strong. His action in life will, therefore correspond to a very large extent, with the forecast given by his horoscope. But in the case of persons of great spiritual development, there will be some variation even though the general pattern will remain the same as indicated by the horoscope. In this world of relativity, neither fate nor free will can be supreme. It is some sort of conditional liberty which man enjoys.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Beautiful Divine Friends

I ask that you hold anyone you know, who may be suffering in any way, in the sacred space of your heart and say the following with your own sacred breath...

There is One Source, One Energy, One complete Universal Divine Love in this existence. I am one with this, as are all and All is All as One!

The healing team of angel’s archangels and guides are One. As such, any Doctors, nurses or technicians who are involved they too are guided by the One Divine Source.

All returns to its original state of perfection. All is guided by Divine Power. Healing, lessons, karma complete. As One it is evident that Only one Love exists.

Within this sacred space the heart opens and releases all that is unlike Love. Released now! In this sacred space all is returned to total balance...wholeness. All healed! On all levels. Emotional, physical and mental once again open now to receive and give of Unconditional Love. Breathing is easy. The body takes in love & peace now enabling the cells to rejoice! This brings solace.

This Divine request is now released into the Universe knowing now that with ease and grace
All is healed. All is whole.

For this knowing there is gratitude. Huge heartfelt gratitude. Great appreciation! Knowing in Spirit this and more is complete and done!

Blessed and Whole It is So

In gratitude, 
Subhash Rawat.

Some very Good and Very bad things ...

The most destructive habit....... ........ .....Worry
The greatest Joy......... ......... ............ ...Giving
The greatest loss........ Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work........ .......Helping others
The ugliest personality trait....... ... .....Selfishness
The most endangered species..... ....Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource.... .......... ...Our youth
The greatest 'shot in the arm'........ ..Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.... ........ ...Fear
The most effective sleeping pill....... Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease..... ... .......Excuses
The most powerful force in life........ ............ . Love
The most dangerous act...... ..A gossip
The world's most incredible computer.... . ....The brain
The worst thing to be without..... ............ ..... Hope
The deadliest weapon...... ........ ..........The tongue
The two most power-filled words....... ........ 'I Can'
The greatest asset....... .......... ........ ....Faith
The most worthless emotion.... ......... ....Self- pity
The most beautiful attire...... ......... ........SMILE!
The most prized possession.. ........ .....Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication. ......Prayer
The most contagious spirit...... .......... ......Enthusiasm
Life ends; when you stop Dreaming,
Hope ends; when you stop Believing,
Love ends; when you stop Caring,

Meditation can open your third eye.

1. The Inner Eye- The Third Eye is also known as the inner eye. It is the ability of a person to sense energies existing around them. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva had the third eye. However, with proper meditation and good techniques, anyone can open their third eye, which affects their pineal gland. A basic understanding has been shared in the following slides...

2. Choose an Environment-Choose a place that is quiet: find someplace where you can sit and relax for at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t always have to be completely silent. But it is best to go to a place that is free from too much noise or chaos. After all, it is impossible to practice meditation in crowded places.

3. Maintain Your Posture-Sit on the ground and cross your legs. Keep your back straight and place your hands on your knees. You can also sit on a chair if sitting on the ground is too difficult for you. Support your upper body with the help of your abdominal muscles. Keep your shoulders down as well.

4. Relax Your Body and Mind-Perhaps, the most essential and important way to open up your body and mind is to relax your body and mind. Don’t tense your muscles or keep your body too tight or firm. Loosen up and roll your head from side to side.

5. Make It a Habit-Make it a habit to meditate every day. If you train yourself for four to five minutes every day, you will be prepared to overcome the different challenges of life and also be able to concentrate better while practicing Third Eye Meditation.

6. Pay Attention to Your Dreams-Many people today are often able to predict the future through their dreams. But before they do that, they must keep a track of what they are really seeing. They should start a dream diary and keep it near their bed, so that they can jot down what their dreams were all about soon after waking up. Also, they should observe whether any of the dreams did, indeed, come true.

7. Listen To Your Instincts-Have you ever had a feeling about a person or an event that you couldn’t explain? Have you ever had a feeling that something or some event might take place in some part of the world? If you are familiar with these emotions, then you have come to terms with your instincts. Therefore, it is best to observe these feelings, write them down, and read them in order to understand the connections.

8. Be an Observer-Try to go to a restaurant or cafe and observe the other people present there. Without being rude, listen to their conversations. Try to contemplate as to how these people know each other and what the context of their conversation is. Try to imagine what they are possibly thinking even when they are not speaking.

9. Tips-To understand the concept of the third eye, it is important for you to have basic knowledge about Hinduism and Buddhism. You must also understand that deep down within you, is a place where the entire universe exists. Even if you are caught up with several activities, you must spare a few minutes for meditation. This will make you "aware".

10. Signs of the Third Eye-You will know that your Third Eye has awakened when you start seeing while, blue or purple colours. You might also see intense white dots or a black sky filled with plenty of stars. Even though it seems quite challenging, daily practice will help you reach there soon.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Human Body Compared to a Mansion

One little point needs to be stressed here. The body is like a mansion. No matter how wonderful a mansion may be, even if it be made of marble and set with jewels, no one will be able to live in that mansion unless it has a kitchen and a bathroom and a toilet. Because, whatever man takes in, part of its goes to form his mind, part of it goes to form his body, and the remaining waste has to be eliminated. And waste is always foul-smelling. The impurities of the body are always foul-smelling. In the outer mansion they have to have a toilet, they have to have a kitchen. If there be no kitchen, no one can live there. You may construct any type of palace, but if there is no food, no lunch, no breakfast, no afternoon tea—even for a day—no one will live there.

But then, when a kitchen is there, you have to provide drainage also. Kitchen means garbage, left-over food, vegetable cuttings, fruit peels and all that. If all this is kept, it will begin to rot and so you have to have a garbage disposal arrangement. You have to have drainage and sewerage. In the absence of all these arrangements, it will not be possible to live in that mansion. Likewise, in the human body, in this mansion of nine gates, in this Navadvara Kuti नवद्वार कुटि (nine gates), where you have an entrance way and windows for light and air and knowledge, for the sake of drainage and garbage disposal, God has provided two holes.

Their real importance is that of drainage. They are only drains. This is the only right understanding of the matter. No doubt, the occasional function of reproduction is there, but to over-exaggerate that aspect is foolish. It betrays a lack of knowledge. Because, from birth until death, day after day, thirty days in a month, and three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, the constant function that these exit gates have to fulfil is drainage. And the occasional function that they have to fulfil is in cooperating with Brahma, but that is only some rare occasional function and that also, only in a very short period of one’s life. In the first Ashrama आश्रम of Brahmacharya ब्रह्मचार्य, it has no place; in the third Ashrama आश्रम of Vanaprastha वानप्रस्थ, it has no place; and in the fourth Ashrama of Sannyasa संन्यास आश्रम, it has no place. Out of the whole life, it is only in one Ashrama आश्रम that that particular function of it is exercised. Otherwise, the main function of these outlets is only drainage of impurities.

If you change your Drishtikona दृष्टिकोण (Views/Thoughts) and understand the body in the right perspective, then a great deal of your problem will be solved. It is taking a wrong view and giving a wrong emphasis which makes one to get into all sorts of difficulties. Secondly, take a look at it from the Vedantic वेदांतिक point of view. The Adesha आदेश (Instructions) or Sandesha संदेश (Messages) of Vedanta वेदांता, the primary declaration of Vedanta वेदांता, is that you are not this body, but that you are the Ajara अजर (Living for ever) Amara अमर (without Death) Avinashi अविनाशी (Which cannot be destroyed) Atma आत्मा (Soul). Then, if you are not to identify yourself with your entire body, how can you identify yourself with one aspect of it? So, if your faith in Vedanta is Pucca पक्का (True, RIGID, and for sure), is firm and genuine, if you are true to your Vedanta वेदांता, then, you have your solution in your own hand.


Even as a young girl Parvati was in love with Lord Shiva. As she grew older, Parvati blossomed into a stunning woman filled with grace and beauty. While she captured the hearts of many kings and princes, she only had eyes for Shiva. In an effort to win his love and affection she decided to visit the cave where he was meditating and started cleaning and decorating it. However, he remained unmoved by her love and dedication. Not once did Shiva acknowledge the presence of Parvati.

Parvati then turned to the Goddesses of Love and Longing, Priti and Rati the consorts of Kama, the God of love and passion. They turned the cave that Shiva meditated in, into a garden of pleasure, filled with flowers, trees, birds and bees. Once the cave was packed with enchantments and wonders, Kama wasted no time in shooting Shiva with the arrow of desire. Shiva was however intensely angered at being disturbed. Enraged, Shiva opened his third eye and reduced Kama to ashes. Parvati lamented to the others Gods and reassured them however that when Shiva accepts Parvati as his wife, Kama will be reborn.

Parvati had tried everything in her power to make Shiva notice her, but nothing worked. Finally she decided to do what Sati had done to win over Shiva. Parvati left all the riches and comfort of her father’s palace and went to live in the forest as an ascetic. In her trials, Parvati surpassed even the greatest ascetics. What she went through was even greater than what Sati had endured. She went through the most rigorous self-mortification from walking in the winter snow without clothing to sitting under the hot summer sun for days, to standing on one foot motionless for long hours to eating nothing for days and surviving on the sun’s nourishment. In fact her asceticism was so intense that it was equal to that of the great Shiva.

Parvati’s Tapasya generated great amounts of energy and heat. This heat and energy finally reached Shiva who was shaken out of his meditation. Shiva wondered what or who it was that had wrenched him out of his intense tapasya. So impressed was he by her self-sacrifice that he immediately agreed to make Parvati his consort. !!!

Jai Shiva Shakti ~ Jai Uma Maheshwara ~ Hara Hara Mahadev Shambhu Kashi Vishwanath Gange

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Today, we live in the computer age. It is but obvious that computers hold the key to almost everything in our lives.

But, who could have thought that computers would one day hold the keys to our happiness as well? Believe it or not, there is reason to believe that computers hold the keys to our happiness. According to a new theory, there are three keys to happiness and you will find all of them on the computer keyboard. All of us are familiar with these three keys. The keys are: CTRL (Control), ALT (Alternative) and DEL (Delete).

To begin with, the CPU or the Central Processing Unit of a computer is similar to that of our brain.
We owe most of our problems to our reluctance or inability to control ourselves in certain situations.

If we resolve to control our emotions—particularly anger—we could be in control of most situations. Decisions taken in a fit of anger are always disastrous.

That is the time to control ourselves and our anger. When we encounter a sticky situation, we must remember that our brain is like the computer.

There is a `Control' key in our brain just as there is one in the computer. All we need to do is to press the CTRL button when we are angry.

So and everything would be all right if we take the decisions when we are at peace and are able to think with a cool head. There are times when things get stuck.

There are times when we hit an impasse or roadblock. In such a situation, it may not be possible to push ahead on the same track.

That is the time to start looking for a detour. That is the time to find a way around the problem.
That is the time to look for an alternative route. In such situations the ALT (Alternative) key holds the solution to the problem.

At times, we are weighed down too many problems. That causes tension. When that happens, all we need to do is to identify the problems that are causing tension.

Just press the DEL key and delete the problems causing tension and we would be back on track to happiness. As I said, we live in the computer age.

If we learn to use the ALT+CTRL+DEL keys sensibly, we can chart our way to HAPPINESS!

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Woman and the Bread

A woman baked chapatti चपाती (roti रोटी) for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby. She kept the extra chapatti on the window sill, for whosoever would take it away. Every day, a hunchback came and took away the chapatti. Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: "The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" This went on, day after day. Every day, the hunchback came, picked up the chapatti and uttered the words: "The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" The woman felt irritated. "Not a word of gratitude," she said to herself...

"Everyday this hunchback utters this jingle! What does he mean?" One day, exasperated, she decided to do away with him. "I shall get rid of this hunchback," she said. And what did she do? She added poison to the chapatti she prepared for him! As she was about to keep it on the window sill, her hands trembled. "What is this I am doing?" she said. Immediately, she threw the chapatti into the fire, prepared another one and kept it on the window sill. As usual, the hunchback came, picked up the chapatti and muttered the words: "The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" The hunchback proceeded on his way, blissfully unaware of the war raging in the mind of the woman.

Every day, as the woman placed the chapatti on the window sill, she offered a prayer for her son who had gone to a distant place to seek his fortune. For many months, she had no news of him. She prayed for his safe return. That evening, there was a knock on the door. As she opened it, she was surprised to find her son standing in the doorway. He had grown thin and lean. His garments were tattered and torn. He was hungry, starved and weak. As he saw his mother, he said, "Mom, it's a miracle I'm here. While I was but a mile away, I was so famished that I collapsed. I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by. I begged of him for a morsel of food, and he was kind enough to give me a whole chapatti. As he gave it to me, he said, "This is what I eat everyday: today, I shall give it to you, for your need is greater than mine!" "As the mother heard those words, her face turned pale.

She leaned against the door for support. She remembered the poisoned chapatti that she had made that morning. Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son, and he would have lost his life! It was then that she realized the significance of the words:
"The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!"

Do good and Don't ever stop doing good, even if it is not appreciated at that time.
If you like this, share it with others and I bet so many lives would be touched

The 7 C's of Happiness

What are the critical ingredients for experiencing genuine happiness? Here are seven elements of life that I believe are essential to the attainment of human happiness. I call them the "7 C's in the pursuit of happiness." One is not more important than any of the others.

1 -Compassion
In order to evolve into a state of happiness, you must develop your in-born ability to care about life, to value life in all its forms, to engage in loving, kind actions, to cultivate an attitude of what Nobel laureate, Dr. Albert Schweitzer called "reverence for life," (including your own).

2 -Contentment
Inner calm. Peace of mind and heart does not mean acceptance of everything that happens. It does mean letting go of fear. When you live life fearlessly, you experience a kind of peace that permeates every cell of your body, every thought of your mind, every emotion of your heart, every element of your spirit.

3 -Connection
Without effectively connecting to other humans, you become less than human yourself. Connection means involving yourself in relationship to everyone around you, connecting to your own inner life, and becoming aware of the environment in which you live. Learn to create high-quality relationships, and your happiness is almost guaranteed.

4 -Communication
Communication is our primary method for connection. It increases your knowledge, your understanding, and your awareness. Language is precious. Words are the building blocks of all happiness.

5 -Commitment
Oprah Winfrey says that what motivates her to get up in the morning is "my commitment to my life and fulfilling my life purpose." If one of your life's purposes is to enhance your happiness, committing your life to the service of others brings more happiness than you can imagine. Happiness requires you commit yourself to something larger than yourself.

6 -Consciousness
Most spiritual teachers believe we are living in a sleep-like or dream state. In order to be happy, one must increase one's awareness of life. And the single awareness that is most conducive to happiness is: the impermanence of everything. Life is in a constant state of flux, of change, of rhythm and of evolution.

7 -Creativity
Creating your life experience by consciously choosing your thoughts, your actions, your decisions and your attitudes will allow you to attain personal happiness regardless of external circumstances.

The pursuit of happiness is not something you search for or attain from outside your skin. Happiness develops from within. You were born to be happy. You were given life to experience happiness. Pursuing it is your right. Sail the 7 C's of happiness and the pursuit of it becomes obvious and being alive becomes the happiest of moments.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

सरदार केबारह बज गएमुहावरे के पीछे का सच

एक सरदार पर जोक बनाना औए सुनाना कितना आसान होता है सर में पंगडी और बगल में कृपाण रखने वाले सरदार भी अक्सर आपके जोक्स और मजाक को भी नजरअंदाज करते हुए खुश रहते हैं.फिर भी आप उनसे बगैर पूँछेसरदार जी के बारह बज गएकहते हुए मजे लेते रहते हैं ज्यादातर लोगों को लगता है की सरदार के चिल्ड नेचर और भाव-भंगिमाओं के कारण ही इस फ्रेज का लोग इस्तेमाल करते हैं आज हम आपको बताते हैं की इस जुमले की पीछे की हकीकत क्या है, और निश्चित ही इसे पढ़कर इसका प्रयोग करने वालों को शर्मिंदगी जरूर महसूस होगी आप ये समझ पायेंगे कि एक सरदार क्या होता है?

1) सत्रहवीं शताब्दी में जब देश में मुगलों का अत्याचार चरम पर था, बहुसंख्यक हिन्दुओं को धर्म-परिवर्तन के लिए अमानवीय यातनाएं दी जाती थीं, औरंगजेब के काल में ये स्थिति और बदतर हो गयी
2) मुग़ल सैनिक, धर्मान्तरण के लिए हिन्दू महिलाओं की आबरू को निशाना बनाते थे अंततः दुर्दांत क़त्ल--आम और बलात्कार से परेशान हो कश्मीरी पंडितों ने आनंदपुर में सिखों के नवमे गुरु तेग बहादुर से मदद की गुहार लगाई.
3) गुरु तेग बहादुर ने बादशाहऔरंगजेबके दरबार में अपने आपको प्रस्तुत किया और चुनौती दी कि यदि मुग़ल सैनिक उन्हें स्वयं इस्लाम कबूल करवाने में कामयाब रहे तो अन्य हिन्दू सहर्ष ही इस्लाम अपना लेंगे
4) औरंगजेब बेहद क्रूर था, परन्तु अपनी कौल का पक्का व्यक्ति था, गुरु जी उसके स्वभाव से परिचित थे गुरूजी के प्रस्ताव पर उसने सहर्ष स्वीकृति दे दी गुरु तेग बहादुर और उनके कई शिष्य मरते दम तक अत्याचार सहते हुए शहीद हो गए, पर इस्लाम स्वीकार नहीं किया इस तरह अपने प्राणों की बलि देकर उन्होंने बांकी हिन्दुओं के हिंदुत्व को बचा लिया
5) इसी कारण उन्हेंहिन्द की चादरसे भी जाना जाता है, उनके देहावसान के बाद,उनके सुयोग्य बेटे गुरु गोविन्द सिंह जी ने हिंदुत्व की रक्षा के लिए आर्मी का निर्माण किया, जो कालांतर मेंसिख के नाम से जाने गए
6) 1739 में जब इरानी आक्रांता नादिर शाह ने दिल्ली पर हमला करते हुए, हिन्दुस्तान की बहुमूल्य संपदा को लूटना शुरू कर दिया इन हवसी आक्रमणकारियों ने करीब 2200 भारतीय महिलाओं को बंधक बना लिया.
7) सरदार जस्सा सिंह जो की सिख आर्मी के कमांडर-इन-चीफ थे, ने इन लुटेरों पर हमला करने की योजना बनायी परन्तु उनकी सेना दुश्मन की तुलना में बहुत छोटी थी इसलिए उन्होंने आधी रात को बारह बजे हमला करने का निर्णय लिया
8) महज कुछ सैकड़ों की संख्या में सरदारों ने, कई हजार लुटेरों के दांत खट्टे करते हुए महिलाओं को आजाद करा दिया सरदारों के शौर्य और वीरता से लुटेरों की नींद और चैन हराम हो गया.
9) यह क्रम नादिर शाह के बाद उसके सेनापति अहमद शाह अब्दाली के काल में भी जारी रहा अब्दालियों और ईरानियों ने अब्दाल मार्केट में, हिन्दू औरतों को बेंचना शुरू कर दिया. सिखों ने अपनी मिडनाईट (12 बजे) में ही हमला करने की स्ट्रैटिजी जारी रखी और एक बार फिर दुश्मनों की आँखों में धुल झोंकते हुए महिलाओं को बचा लिया
10) सफलता पूर्वक लड़कियों और औरतों के सम्मान की रक्षा करते हुए, सिखों ने दुश्मनों और लुटेरों से अपनी इज्जत की हिफाजत की रात 12 बजे के समय में हमला करते समय लुटेरे कहते थेसरदारों के बारह बज गएसरदार और सिख राष्ट्र की अमूल्य धरोहर हैं। सरदार के केश और कृपाण उसे अतुलित धैर्य और साहस से परिपूरित करते हैं

सिख एक महान कौम है, जिसने मध्यकाल में गुलामी की काली रात में सनातन और हिन्दुस्तान को स्वयं के प्राणों की बलि देकर बचाए रखा गुरु गोविन्द सिंह जी की प्रसिद्द उक्ति है

सवा लाख से एक लडाऊं, तब मै गुरु गोविंद सिंह कहलाऊं

ऐसी वीरता, साहस और ईमानदारी के पर्याय सरदारों को “12 बज गएकह कर चिढाना / हँसना बेहद शर्मनाक है। उन विदेशी लुटेरों से रक्षित स्त्रियों के वंशजों द्वारालुटेरों की ही टिप्पणीको दोहराना अनजाने में ही सही पर, किसी देशद्रोह से कम नहीं है।

सरदारों के “12 बज गएएक ऐसा मुहावरा है जो की उन लुटेरों केगीदड़पानेऔर हमारी वीरता का पर्याय है, इसे लाफिंग मैटर के रूप में नहीं बल्कि गर्व के रूप में कहिये।