Wednesday, September 11, 2013



We all have some pre set funda of judging human, whether it is right or wrong we never know, but as long as we are comfortable we go.

I believe every individual has different philosophy of life that totally depends on following things, in fact it is he/she who made for him/her to live in his/her own way, and there cannot be any set parameters for them to think, and to follow.

We are different from each other  genetically, have  difference in up bring, language, culture, our experiences, our desires, our dreams, our capabilities, our limitations, our perception to see things/situations/people and react on;   there are other so many factors which set different criteria of life and different standards for everyone. Even two twins are not identical by thoughts because their experiences are different; their desires are different which in turn open up new ways of diversifications.  And every one has the right to set his own philosophy of life and live accordingly, there is no right or wrong, as I know myself better than anybody else (I assume).

Certain life aspects are common to all, which open up ways of philosophies for philosophers, but we forget, mind set has important role to perceive the things and draw the conclusion, and it varies between individuals in same environment.

We do try to judge people on their traits, the way they define themselves, it reflects their philosophy and maturity to handle situations. Some time we don’t judge properly as a human tendency/error, and we do judgment to decide to carry forward relationship with that individual.

Look if you/we expect that we’ll choose our partner/friends whom we know very much in deep than we are wrong. No one can know any person with so deep; in fact we don’t know ourselves so deep though we claim for same. Then how we can expect these deep understanding from others. Human are not like gadget or mathematical terms which have one rational/standard way to do, we/you never know how we will react to certain situation and will be it same in manner all the time. This process of understanding one individual or evaluating him/her will take too much time, and still we will not be sure about conclusion. Life is itself a big gamble and big surprise, we don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow though we plan, anticipate, set precaution, but still cannot know the depth of life. Still we enjoy the surprises of life, and we do learn to adopt /adapt new things and changed with time. It’s our hope and our dreams which make us keep going.

In the journey of life we come across very diverse people, with some we don’t feel comfortable to live and so we separate, but observe this: are our family members are genuine all the time. They do hurt us. But it doesn’t mean that we will leave them and forget them, no not at all, it’s our love, which keep us with them emotionally, to be with them and they are with us, but from where that love comes, maybe we happen to be with them, it is our silent commitment, that we will be together or to be stand by each other whenever we need each other, and that gives the understanding to get adjust to compromise to one or on another factor, even comes sacrifice which we do by wish not by forceful, Because its life. It has lots of hidden things which we still need to explore, human mind and relations has something beyond logic, reasons.

Now question is that, why we do all judgment about human around us, as such we don’t do for our family members, we accept them as they are, then why we set standards for others. Somehow every individual is bit selfish from inner deep and we don’t realize this. We like some humans because they are/do what we visualize. We want to see our image within them. The moment we will realize we will stop calculating a human.

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