Creation of the Universe
शिव पार्वती are called (Jagad Pitro)‘जगत: पितरो, the parents of the world.
sounds (letters), that is nadabijas नाद बीज or bijamantras बीजमंत्र were generated from the fifty-two
notes emitted by Shankar’s शंकर small hourglass shaped drum (Damaru डमरू) from which the universe was created.
Nad (नद) – Nad (नाद) is the process of flowing continuously. The sound ‘da (द), da (द), dam (दम्)’
meaning ‘ददामि त्वं (I am giving you)’ was generated from
these bijas बीज of sound. It was as though Shiva शिव assured the universe ‘I bestow you with spiritual
knowledge, purity and penance’.
Shiva शिव is urdhvaretas उर्धवृता He can create the Universe with a
mere resolve (sankalpa संकल्प). Jagadguru जगतगुरु
ज्ञानं इच्छेत् सदाशिवात् । मोक्षं इच्छेत् जनार्दनात् ।,
one should worship Shiva शिव for spiritual knowledge and Janardan जनार्दन (Vishnu विष्णु) for the Final Liberation (Moksha मोक्ष).
one leading to the state beyond the three components (trigunatit त्रिगुणतित)
destroys all the three components of Prakruti प्रकृति
– sattva सत्व, raja रज
and tama तम, that is ignorance simultaneously.
Namo Shivay (ओम नमः शिवाय)
Wisdom and knowledge through knowing our Father God through His precious Son Y'shua - is worth far more than silver and gold. We shall only truly know Him when we leave this earth.