Friday, June 7, 2019

I started writing my blog on 08-06-2009. Now Completing TEN years.

I am not a Saint, I write on Spirituality and my Life experience of self, My father experience and my mother experience who completed their 101 years and 95 years and left this World. My father Left this Earth Planet in January, 2006 and mother in August, 2012. I remember each single world which they Narrated and taught me, and my family with their Blessings, is growing with wealth and health day by day, that’s what I express in writing.

As I always say that Writing is the reflection of one’s mind, where the thought flows freely and one can understand his/her inner being. That is the reason I am writing and would like my friends to read carefully.

Writing is the best way of understanding ourselves. And in this process we rectify our mistakes, which change our attitudes and we look for a deeper reality.

Some people maintaining a personal diary is the best way, in which we sort out every matter by recording the daily experiences. The pace of life gathers momentum when these personal reflections lead us on the path of realization. When we write our heart out, believe me, the writing turns into a dialogue with God.

All writing is expression of Life

Indeed all writing is an expression of life, because we are plumbing the depths of human existence and at some point we come face-to-face with God. We share our own experiences, dreams, successes and failing. This goes like transport connecting one place to another. Like the spider’s web. I find this an amazing way to generate positive energy.

Good writing propels thought and action. It is said that pen is mightier than sword, faith as tiny as mustard seed can move mountains. Similarly, heartfelt expression can create an ambience of peace and love, just like beautiful colours of rainbow, it spreads out into its spectrum of colours; it’s the expression of God to create happiness, love and peace on the earth.

Writing then can be a source of solace and support in difficult times and makes you cheerful in good times.

First of all you must understand Reading is an art by itself. And my writings are to be read by the heart, not by the mind. Whatever I write not to be understood, but experienced. It is something phenomenal, so that I can express the inexpressible, but if you allow it, the written article becomes alive and something starts happening to your being.”

“It is an extraordinary in the sense that you can read it and miss it completely, because the meaning of the sentence is not in the words. The meaning of the Sentence is running side by side in silence between the words, between the lines, in the gaps. If you are in a state of meditativeness if you are not only reading a fiction but you are encountering the whole self-experience of a great human being, absorbing it; not intellectually understanding it. The words are there but they become secondary. Something else becomes primary: the silence that those words create. The words affect your mind, and the music goes directly to your heart.”

I started my first blog on Spirituality on June 08.2009. I really can't believe TEN years already passed! (Though there was a Break in between for a Technical Reason). It's true how time goes by so fast that you don't even realize this. I have to say though, I feel, I have really grown and evolved in this time. I have become much more spiritually awakened on a deeper personal level. My intuition and inner knowing guides me daily. I too, had to conquer my own issues with the grief and loss of a loved one. In this time, my perception of things changed. From understanding and reaching to the core of self-depth, we find it was there the whole time.

I hope this page has done the same for many of you. Without all of your love and support it wouldn’t be what it is today. I am so thankful for all of you here. I wish all of you continued inner healing, wellness and most of all love.

Subhash Rawat

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