Monday, June 25, 2012

World will be of NO MAN.-2

Woman’s primary need is “Security”, secondary is “Respect”, they often misinterpret meaning of word security.  According to them money is sign of security; they often push back their emotional need. As we all know money attracts women, in fact we say “Woman run after money”, but the question is why they do so?

Woman has the desire/need to maintain themselves, they are look conscious, status conscious, because their outlook appeal men towards them, which fulfilled their basic psychological need, and this materialistic cycle needs money, here raise need of money for woman; secondly they are financially dependent on their partner (most of women  were earlier even today), because nature has created them like this “to rely on” , that makes money  basic source of security, those who understand themselves & their real urge they doesn’t chase it, we had come across such examples. There are women who choose to live with average earning man whom they love & they live happily, for them emotional needs to be fulfilled first, and there are women who are not happy being a wife of billionaire, what makes them to chase someone else, if money is everything for woman.

When women are beautiful, then they have queued of men chasing them, and if they are not??

Women becomes symbol or other name of “beauty”, what is their beauty

Long hairs
Fair complexion           
Sharp features
Expressive eyes
Sweet voice
Good outline

How she presents/behaves (new emerge)

Is that all about woman, why they have been rated on parameter of their looks, think on this, if today I am beautiful what is my contribution, and if not then, what is my fault, I have not created myself, what kind of complexion, eyes, physics I’ll be having will totally depend on the combination of multiple genes and amount of mutation takes place if so, and that becomes our value stage for world, and world makes us to face them on their parameters.
Chap on matrimony sites, first requirement for ideal partner, she should be good looking, is only good looking girls has right of marriage, if it so? Then god is doing mistake by creating average looking gals.

She should be of good character, what are the measures to measure her character and why they should do?

When they have been differentiating on some materialistic parameters then they become materialistic, and then phrase “Women run after the money” exists.

When we talk about woman we can’t leave discussing role of men in her life, she hold man within her "WO"MAN", man is an integral part of woman’s life even her identities are dependable on them, first; father’s name is required later husband’s name. Man is an undetectable part of her life whether they become bitter half or better half it varies from story to other.

Woman and man’s relationship has various dynamics.

Men are known to run after “BEAUTY”, for them women are more like a project (desire)-- learn (know her), get into (have her), get familiar (entertain himself), and then move to next project.

Women need ample/own time to rely on any man who enters in her life, to develop trust level, to feel warmth, which lead into bond/relation, it is bit slow process in case of woman; but for man, it is opposite-- they attract very fast, rush to know her, to make relationship with her, without understanding the profile/need of her. When they don’t get desired response as per their expectations, they lose charm and move towards other, and that is the time, when woman overpass period of trust, when she want to relying on him, trusting him, by the time he is already mentally moved away from her, and the story ends before it starts.

I couldn’t understand, why man has high ego, and they live with it all the time, ego for what, being a man, but then they have to be either gender.

Three supreme powers, BRAHMA DEV, VISHNU DEV and LORD SHIVA, who are responsible for this world’s management for three different profile, their better halves has the equal supportive role in this management, and we all worship them.

BRAHMA DEV, known to write our fate, MA SARASWATI, blessed us with the power of knowledge (co line part)

VISHNU DEV, responsible for our nurture, MA LAXMI, blessed us with power of money (dependable profile)

LORD SHIVA, responsible for to put an end, MA PARWATI, play or develop roles to make this happened. (Lead each other)

Then why this world is “men oriented” world, why all the desires and command is in men’s hand, why here is not equal, supportive, constructive role for both of them. Why Indian woman has to call her hubby “Aap” and he calls her “Tum or Tu”.

When this woman is “SHIV KI SHAKTI”, why she is so helpless today? Aren’t we spoiling the nature’s balance?

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