Thursday, October 17, 2019

Are you observing the nature of existence?

Having done everything to ignore the raging bull of duality, the one who awakens recognises that every imbalance in one's self or another is a call for help, spiritually speaking of course. Those who rattle are lost; but those who stay calm will always find their way. This itself is the observing law in nature.

When you become detached from the nonsensical nature of the drama of this physical existence, you will become reserved and forgiving; not to mention that you'll have to, when you realise the human condition.

The tendency to fall under spell, of the illusion is constant to say the most.

Every intention should resolve into love of self with the service to others when your path becomes clear and available to you but you must always lead by your example. Understand that you cannot be contained within this illusion since in your original state, you are a manifestation of divine love.

Having the wisdom of detachment, one proceed to realisation without fear or doubt since the attachment to the outcome is non-existent. You will begin to gravitate towards the peace that was promised; divine peace, the more you practice acceptance since acceptance itself eliminates the need for forgiveness. There's nothing to forgive if one is not affected by the lack of awareness in others. You cannot be distracted from who you already are.

This is the logic of self-realization.

Knowing you yourself brings a level confidence that cannot be matched by any man made belief. When you know a thing, others does not necessarily need to know it in order for you to continue to know about it.

Be conscious of who contradicts your intention. Those who pull you into dramas and negativity are not necessarily on your path. Align to only what resonate joy. Be on the prowl for peace and let love always live in your heart regardless if the world understands it or not.

May the joy of knowing yourself be with you always.

Eternal peace.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these gentle reminders. Namaste πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ™‰πŸ€™πŸ»πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€³
