Saturday, January 23, 2016

Sex and spirituality (संभोग से मोक्ष तक)-2

Sex and spirituality (संभोग से मोक्ष तक)-2

The deeper you can love yourself in the true sense of the word, the deeper you can love God. Since you are God’s creation when you experience a great orgasm, you are rejoicing in the joy of connecting with the divine. So if you take sex out of its temporal context than you will see that a spiritual experience can grow out of this humblest of biological acts. However to experience that ultimate bliss where you are one with the divine, where you feel a cosmic energy rushing through you, needs practice and open mind and a willingness to surrender oneself completely without shame or guilt to your chosen partner. For in the true union of the two partners in scared sex lies the release of that cosmic energy.

Mystical Sex is the Sex elevated from the mundane onto a spiritual plane. A seemingly incongruous combination but, so only to our conditioned minds, which have been taught to regard sexual activity as something to be hidden, or frowned upon. Sexuality actually is the most intense of sensuous experience, because all the five senses are simultaneously involved in a sexual act. It is therefore the most direct experience to realise the power of the five senses and to understand the meaning of desire. Yes, it also then gives you the feel of what it is like to practice withdrawal of senses. But first let's talk of mystical sex. Sexual preparation, sexual activity and finally, the last phase of compel, which is the cause of our being. For these brief moments, the medley of thoughts that normally run through our minds simply stops.

What one achieves through sexuality is a very short- lived experience of spirituality. There are two paths from here on-

The first to extend the brief experience into a longer one through practice of pranayama प्राणायाम that is by developing single pointed ness that directs orgasmic energy towards our head, thereon to the solar plexus.

And the second path is to transcend the Sexual experiencing and channel the sexual energy elsewhere to creative works, to healing others, to heal our self, to meditate successfully and to experience this energy in all other areas without involving a sexual act.

This takes us to celibacy. Celibacy is not the killing of sexual energy; it is the channeling of this energy to other areas of our life. It is the transcending of sexual bodily pleasure derived from our senses on to the experience of reality - beyond the senses. It is to be able experience the beatitude we have felt in that of orgasmic moment- in us- by our self without a sexual act.

This is Brahmacharya ब्रह्मचार्य, a redirection of sexual energy towards a meditative experience or other spiritual experiences. It is the withdrawal of the mind and body from the senses. In the Vedic वैदिक  tradition all human beings are governed by a five fold structure which is

(a) External security, contentment
(b) Fulfillment of our desires
(c) Living according to the natural laws and
(d) Evolving towards ultimate freedom.

आस्था, Kama काम, Dharma धर्म and Moksha मोक्ष. A human being can live on all four simultaneously or choose to live on one or other. If his choice is the last that is moksha मोक्ष, mukti मुक्ति (Salvation/Nirvana) transcendence, then the yogic योगिक tradition prescribes a code of conduct-these are Yamas यम and Niyamas नियम. The five Yamas यम are-

(a) Truthfulness
(b) Honesty
(c) Non possessiveness
(d) Non violence and very importantly
(e) Brahmcharya ब्रह्मचार्य celibacy.

Women in Tantric तांत्रिक Traditions" says "Some tantric तांत्रिक process felt that a celibate" in "The Art of Sexual Ecstasy and The Art of Sexual magic"

"You have to go into the hell of darkness
You have to taste the best foods
You have to F… your brain out
You have to go into a cave and meditate You have to do it all"

There is saying that “Man goes to heaven through the gate of Hell.”

The cause of most of the unhappiness on the earth is that man and woman have actually forgotten how to make love. This means that only the individual man or woman have any chance of starting to correct it. There can be no mass solution. The problem is too personal and too deep. Everybody has to do it for himself or herself or it cannot be done. 

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