Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Supreme Force Protects One

A Supreme Force protects one

The ordeals a man faces in the world, the perils, which may cause his very destruction and the problems, which confront him almost every minute. Should enable him to realize that there is a Supreme unseen force that protects him even without his knowledge. Man may not be aware as to how he is being saved. It is to make him understand about God’s inimitable traits that Scriptures are full of episodes dealing with this extreme compassion, generosity, and several other noble traits. By listening to the spirit of devotion. He may gradually approach God and ultimately plead with Him to be released from worldly bondage.

As we all know that man has come a long way from his beginning. Not enough can be said about the laps made by him is physical, sexual and technological areas, leaving his ancestors way behind.

Fortunately, in the last million years or so, vital changes began to take place. Our ancestors become more upright better runners. Their hands freed from locomotive duties, become strong, efficient weapon holders. Their brains become more complex- brighter, quicker decision takers. Their bodies become hairless, probably as a physically well equipped. A hunting ape was in the making. Because this hunting Apes battle was to be won by brain rather than brawn, some evolutionary steps had to be taken to increase his brain- power.

A young Chimpanzee completes its brain growth within twelve months after birth, six or seven years before the animal becomes reproductively active. Our own species by contrast has at birth a brain which is only 23 % of its final adult size, for you and me; brain growth is prolonged into adult life; continuing for about ten years after we have attained sexual maturity.

The naked Ape therefore was given plenty of time to imitate and learn before he had to go out and survive on his own. His parents could teach him as no animal had ever been taught before. He begins using artificial Weapons instead of natural ones. Because physically, he was less fit for obtaining food than the other carnivores. He became a co-operative pack hunter to survive. A home base was necessary. A place to come back to with the spoils where the female and their young ones could share the food. Parental behavior of this kind had to be a new development. For the general primate rule is that virtually all-parental care comes from the mother.

So the hunting ape becomes the territorial ape, and because of the extremely long period of dependency of the young, the female found themselves almost perpetually confined to be home base. In this respect the hunting ape’s new way of life posed a special problem, one that it did not share with the typical “Pure” carnivores, the role of sexes had to become more distinct.

The hunting parties had to become all male groups. If anything was going to against the primate grain, It was this, for a virile primate male to go off on a feeding trip and leave his females unprotected from the advances of other males was unheard of and demanded a major shift in social behavior.

The answer was the development of a pair bond, male and female hunting apes had to remain faithful to one another. This is a common tendency among primates; it solved three problems in one stroke. It means that the female remained faithful to their males while they were away on the hunt, reduction of serious sexual revelries among the males and the growth of a one male one female breeding unit. Soon ape becomes an ape with responsibilities. In mere half million years, he progressed from making a fire to making a spacecraft. It is an existing story, but the naked ape is in danger of being dazzled by and forgetting that beneath the surface he is still a primate.

Sexually, the naked ape today finds himself in a somewhat confusing situation. Because of the importance of the pair bond, he is the sexiest primate alive. How was this done? The period of the sexual receptivity of the female monkey or ape usually lasts for only about a week of her monthly cycle. In our own species, the female is receptive at virtually all times, even when she is pregnant.

In condition, sexual activities have been elaborated. The hunting life that gave us naked skins and more sometimes hands has given us much greater scope for sexually simulating body to body contact. Our private sexual system with its carnivore modifications has survived our fantastic technological advances remarkably well. Yet despite all this advances, we naked apes are still very much a simple biological phenomenon. Our climb to the top has been a get rich quick story, unless we can colonize other planets on a massive scale and spread the load, we shall crowed out all other forms of life from the earth in the not too distant future. At the end of the 17th century, the world population of naked ape was only 500 million. It has now risen to almost 3,700 million. The consequence is obvious, sheer quantity. If we do this we can continue to progress technologically in dramatic way without denying out evolutionary inheritance. If we do not then our suppressed biological urges will buildup and up until the dam bursts and the whole of our existence are swept away in the flood.

Human being, have been evolving slowly through out history. They have improved enormously in intellect over the years and have shown great potential for further improvement. What they have not done to rid themselves entirely of their original animal cruelty and selfishness. We are mysterious creatures, half animals, and half intellectual in nature. If our minds achieved mastery over our bodies, We should have the capability to get control of our world and manage it successfully.

We are becoming more intelligent and more capable, but our world is becoming more complex and difficult. The story of civilization in constant, convergence with everything is getting- closer and closer. But there is also constant education, which is part of the convergence. Civilization is a race between education catastrophes what we have to do in the present and the future, as this great race continues, is to make sure the education wins.

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