Happiness- सुख एक उत्तेज़ना है
हैं, जागते-सोते हैं
और सांस
लेते हैं
। हमारी
अपनी पाँचों
कर्मेन्द्रियाँ अपने-अपने ढंग
से काम
करती रहती
हैं ।
जब तक
इन सभी
में ताल
मेल बना
रहता है,
हमें सुख
की अनुभूति
होती रहती
है ।
जैसे ही
इनमे कोई
बाधा आयी,
वैसे ही
हम दुःख
का अनुभव
करते हैं
, आँखें चली
गयी तो
पूरी दुनिया
में हमारे
लिए अन्धेरा
छा गया
। बहरा
होते ही
हम दुनिया
से कट
जाते हैं
और यदि
स्पर्श की
संवेदना ही
गायब हो
जाए तो
फिर जीना
कोई जीना
नहीं रह
जाता ।
जब तक
ये कर्मेन्द्रियाँ
ठीक से
काम करती
हैं, तब
तक हमें
इनकी कीमत
पता नहीं
चलती ।
लेकिन जैसे
ही इनमे
से कोई
अशक्त होती
है , हमें
इनकी कीमत
का ज्ञान
हो जाता
है ।
क्या इसके
आधार पर
हम यह
मानकर कोई
गलत नहीं
करेंगे कि
हमारे सुख
का आधार
मुख्यतः हमारी
कर्मेन्द्रियाँ ही
हैं ? यदि
हमें भौतिक
जगत का
ज्ञान इन्हीं
के जरिये
हो रहा
है तो
स्वाभाविक है
कि ये
ही हमारे
सुख का
आधार है
। लेकिन
यहाँ गौर
करने की
बात यह
है कि
केवल भौतिक
सुख ही
सबसे बड़ा
सुख है
या एकमात्र
सुख है
मामलों में
ऐसा ही
है ।
लेकिन मैंने
पाया कि
दूसरों को
औसा लगता
है स्वयं
को नहीं
। और
हम स्वयं
भी दूसरों
के बारे
ठीक वैसा
ही सोचते
हैं, जैसा
की दूसरे
हमारे बारे
में सोचते
हैं ।
भौतिक सुविधाओं
से संपन्न
व्यक्ति हमे
हमेशा सुखी
दिखाई पड़ता
है, सच्चाई
का पता
तब चलता
है, जब
हम स्वयं
को भौतिक रूप
से संपन्न
बना लेते
हैं ।
लेकिन जब
तक पता
चलता है,
तब तक
काफी देर
हो जाती
है ।
सब कुछ
कमंडल लेकर हरिद्वार -ऋषिकेश चले
जाना इसका
हल नहीं
है ।
यह तो
एक प्रकार
की चरम
प्रतिक्रिया हुयी
। कहाँ
तो इतना
कुछ और
कहाँ कुछ
भी नहीं
। हरिद्वार
-ऋषिकेश भी
उन्हें सुख-शान्ति नहीं
दे सकता,
क्योंकि जो
दे सकता
था, उसे
तो वे
छोड़ आये
हैं ।
बात बहुत साफ़ है कि सुख की खोज एक प्रकार से उत्तेज़ना की खोज है । सुख अपने आप में एक उत्तेज़ना है । कोई उत्तेज़ना शराब के प्याले में पाटा है तप कोई अपने आप को पूरी तरह कामों में डूबा देने से । कोई यह उत्तेज़ना लूटने में पाता है, तो कोई यह उत्तेज़ना अपने आप को उता देने में । चूंकि उत्तेज़ना हमारे शरीर और मष्तिष्क की एक अस्वभाविक स्थिति है, इसलिए वह लम्बे समय तक नहीं रह सकती है । समुन्द्र में रोज़ ज्वार-भाटे आते हैं । कभी-कभी आते हैं । यह समुन्द्र की उत्तेज़ना है । सोडे की बोतल खोलते ही तेज़ी से झाग तो निकलता है, लेकिन निकलता नहीं रहता । सुख भी ठीक इसी तरह मौजूद नहीं रहता । तो क्या फिर क्या स्थायी सुख जैसी कोई बात नहीं रहती ? तो क्या आदमी लम्बे समय तक सुख के साथ अपना रिश्ता नहीं निभा सकता ? निभा सकता है, लेकिन भौतिकता के साथ नहीं निभा सकता है, लेकिन उत्तेज़ना के साथ नहीं ।
यदि हम सुख को एक अनुभूति मान लें तो उसके साथ लम्बी और अंतहीन यात्रा की जा सकती है । और सच तो यही है की सुख मूलतः अनुभूति ही है । हम बाहरी चीजों को देखते हैं । उनका उपयोग करते हैं । उस समय जो सुख हमें मिलता है वह एक प्रकार की उत्तेज़ना होती है । बाद में हम दूसरी चीजों के उपभोग में लग जाते हैं । ये चीजें फिर से उत्तेज़ना पैदा करती हैं । लम्बे समय तक यही क्रम चलता रहता है । लेकिन एक समय ऐसा आता है, जब नयी चीजों के लिए गुंजाईश नहीं रह जाती । तो अब क्या करेंगे ? अब कुछ करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है , अब वह समय आ गया है, ज़ब हमें अनुभूति का आनंद लेना है । हमनें अब तक जो कुछ भी किया है, उनके छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों को अपनी याददाश्त के खजाने से निकालने लगिये । याद कीजिये । कल्पना कीजिये उन सुखों की और मानसिक स्तर पर जीना शुरू कर दीजिये उन पलों को । आप देखेंगे कि किस प्रकार ये अनुभूतियाँ आपके सफ़र में आपकी साथी होंगी ।
convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby,
then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll
be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have
teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that
stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets
his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice
vacation, when we retire.
truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now.
not now, when?
life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to our self
and decide to be happy anyway.
a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But
there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through
first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, and a debt to be
paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were
my life".
perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness
is the way.
treasure every moment that we have. And treasure it more because we shared it
with someone special, special enough to spend our time and remember that time
waits for no one
So stop waiting until we finish school, until we go back to school, until we lose some money, until you gain some money, until we have kids, until our kids leave the house, until we start work, until we retire, until we get a girlfriend, until we get married, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until we get a new car or home, until home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until we are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until we've had a drink, until we die, until we are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.
is a journey, not a destination. Work like we don't need money, Love like we've
never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching.
/ Pleasure of the world are always attractive in the beginning, but their
consequences are terrible and hard to endure, like the temporary pleasure
derived by scratching an itch but the sensation turning painful and intolerable
a little later. The mind of the man even as the horse with blinkers takes its
route straight, should be restrained and made to develop an aversion to worldly
objects and not stray into evil paths.
have left this world but their pious deeds in the form of tanks, roads,
shelter, homes, and temples. Even man who upholds religious traditions cannot
easily get rid of the powerful forces of desire and attachment.
is a well known fact that happiness is vital for good health. Corroborating
this theory, a study conducted proves that adults who are happy, but are
suffering from a heart disease, have a 20% more chance of living longer.
Thoughts and emotions are controlled by hormones in the brain. Just as
electricity moves from pole to pole, in the brain, impulses have to jump from
cell to cell. The intervening space between nerve cells is controlled by
neurons chemicals or neuron hormones. Any alteration in this will produce
change in behaviour, thought and emotions. Genetically, people have a certain
concentration of neuron-hormones and depending on that; people will be happy or
sad. The experience is further modified by external circumstances.
study revealed that though a constant state of happiness isn’t necessary,
avoiding emotional lows is vital for a long life. This is because happy people
are less likely to suffer from psychometric problems like diabetes, high blood
pressure and heart disease.
states of mind are associated with the release of different chemicals and
hormones in various parts of the body. Happiness and pleasure are associated
with the release of dopamine in the brain. Sadness is associated with the
release of steroid hormones, which are circulated through the bloodstream to
different parts of the body. This is why states of mind can affect the health
and physiology of the entire body. However, happiness is also associated with
other positive chemical and hormonal changes and same holds good for sadness.
ever-expanding field of positive psychology emphasises human strengths rather
than weaknesses as a way of life. People who are positive and happy have a
higher immunological cell count and can combat diseases better. The new IT
culture and changing life styles are creating great stress, which in turn
affect happiness.
needs to remember that happiness does not mean an absence of difficulties, and
not a continuous state either as it has been noticed that people go through
mood changes. Anti depressants can reduce unhappiness but cannot artificially
keep you happy all the time. Use of substances like alcohol and drugs usually
work on the prevailing mood of the person and amplifies it. To be really happy,
a person needs to accept that good things and bad things are a part of life.
They must not be too reactive whenever something bad happens.
drugs are usually addictive and can have damaging short-and long-term
consequences on a person’s physical and mental health, and on his social and
occupational performance.
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