Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sex and Spirit

Tantra says sexual energy creates the physical World when two opposite forces, masculine and feminine, merge with each other. This merging of two forces transforms into universal consciousness and becomes a gateway for the spirit to manifest into the physical World.

Spiritual traditions the World over believe that creation of the physical World happens due to the desire of the Universal consciousness to experience its own self.

Each soul carries a seed of desire to manifest in this World and takes birth to create it. In the process of creation, souls go through this World and create experiences for others. The process is ongoing and the World continues to emerge thus each moment.

If the purpose of a soul to manifest the desire of Universal consciousness is not completed, its keep on taking rebirth until it manifests. Freedom from this cycle of re-birth is called absolute liberation, nirvana or Moksha.

Tantra works on this absolute liberation through the channelling of sexual energy. Tantra philosophy dictates a different understanding about sex. It says sex has three purposes: first is procreation, second is enjoyment, and third is using the same creative force to create the World of your soul’s desire.

In art, symbolically, this concept is depicted by an upward triangle and a bindu or dot on the apex. Two dots on the base of the triangle represent the basic purpose of creative force, procreation and enjoyment. The apex represents the single-point direction of the channelized force; the Bindu on the apex represents merging of the spirit with the universal consciousness after absolute liberation.

According to tantra, the procreation part gets completed at a very early age; however, the enjoyment aspect continues throughout life for most people. The third and most important part of channelizing and utilising creative energy to create success, power or influence is explored by very few people, either by guided awareness or by chance.

Tantra says that at the spiritual level, the real objective of sexual energy is to establish a connection between the soul and the universal consciousness, otherwise, nature would have withdrawn this energy after the goal of procreation was accomplished.

Nature is the physical manifestation of the intelligence of the Universe. To achieve her objective of maintaining existence, it creates strong attraction between masculine and feminine forces. This bonds forces opposites to merge and give birth to a soul. Here nature’s job is done and she withdraws. As she withdraws, the bond among opposite fades away. That’s why many people feel love has evaporated after their so called love marriage. Love emerging out of physical attraction evaporates because it was a play of nature. True love exists at the soul level. Nature plays at a very deep subconscious level. This withdrawal of nature becomes a life-long wound for many people; but for the aware one, this is time for a new journey.

Tantra says that even this withdrawal of nature has a purpose- that of letting you move in the direction of manifesting your core desires, for which you have taken birth, with the same energy you had given birth to a human being.

Native paves a way for you to move towards the apex of the tantra triangle, to create your own World of success, and move beyond to merge with the Bindu with absolute freedom, the Moksha or Nirvana.

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