Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thinking and IQ are not the same

Every Human being who is really alive is constantly broadcasting thoughts, feelings and vibrations; even if one sits in silence. The very presence of a person is communicative and radiates whatever is surrounding him. Every person carries his atmosphere wherever one goes or lives.

You go to a person and sit in his presence and suddenly you feel very happy and cheerful. Quite the contrary may happen in the presence of another person: you may become sad or depressed or feel that your energy has been sucked. And with another type of person, you may not feel anything, just deadness.

Because Around every person there is a field of emotional energy. Some people always look radiant, and everything in their Life flourishes and grows. They have a positive energy field around them. Some people, on the other hand, always have a morose or tense air about them, and everything in their life seems to fade and die. They have a negative energy field around them. A positive field is created by positive emotions and a negative field draws sustenance from negative emotions.

Energy causes all beings to act in this world. The higher the level of energy, the greater would be their accomplishments. When we are tired, our energy levels plummets and we do not feel like doing anything. When the field around is negative with hurt, anger, possessiveness, greed, jealousy, fear and abhorrence, we are less able to act with speed and efficiency. These emotions suck the energy and life-force out of us.

Tan your body before he or she is able to even walk. How? By inducting a concerted, playful interest in specifics. Parents in the US and Japan are just about doing it this way. Instead of toy guns, give him a home computer instead of dolls, give him a violin, instead of teaching Baba Black sheep, teach him applied mechanics, instead of teaching him Ding Dong Bell, teach him medical anatomy.

Though this can be harmful in the long run parents are giving it a try. Any way! It has gone to such an extreme that California obstetrician Dr. F Rene Van de Carr teaches mothers how to indoctrinate the fetus inside their wombs to take an interest in Mathematics, Arts, Physics, Chemistry, Computer studies, Sports and even Economic. (As said in Mahabharata that Abhimanyu  learned the Chakarayuoh in the womb of his mother). His clientele? Anxious success oriented women, His business? Booming, but then anything sells in California.

An industry has sprung up around these findings. And now there are theorists out to teach month old infants the intricacies of relation algebra or differential calculus or to Bach’s Symphonies or competing in various competitions. Also around is a Prenatal University that teaches expectant mothers how to tutor their fatsoes in wombs on a select carrier in life. (As in Mahabharata  the Abhymanyu learnt the Chakrayuha. And of course, the sudden craze for inspired scientific thinking called “Lateral Thinking” by the modern father of Thinking Edward de Bona (Edward Francis Charles Pueblos de Bona). Who are a medical doctor and a Rhodes Scholar from oxford has had faculty appointments in many Universities and has written 27 books relating to thinking.

Dr. Bona is running the largest program in the world for the direct teaching of thinking in schools in several countries through the Cognitive Research Trust, Cambridge of which he is the founder. He is of the view, that there is a big need for a change in the educational systems which is mainly description based and which does not help in being creative or in thinking to meet the various activities in life.

Can we, with dominant part of the brain, develop our other part? In 90 % cases we are left sides. Developing the right side is much like listening to your conscience- it makes value judgments, is emotional, subtle, silent, intuitive, graphic, and inspirational.

·         Meditation is one way out.
·         Developing an interest in gut, feeling is another.
·         Paying more attention to dreams is third, and
·         Unorthodox thinking is a possible fourth

For those interested, try to lay your hands on “Drawing on the right side of the brain” by Betty Edwards, “A guide to whole-brained Investing” by Sally Springer, “The right Brain Experience” by Marilee Zdanels, “Integration left and right brain management skills” by Weston Agor.

On the related platform is the theory that the brain of infants is the cleanest, clearest, like a fresh slate, and if it is filled with “relevant matter” from the very beginning the kid can get a better start in life. So instead of giving him cricket bats, give him a commodore computer for her, substitute trigonometry for toys.

The theory is that both halves of the brain become attuned to either computers, or calculus or music or painting, or gymnastics or business oriented games. Thus when the kid grows up and is faced with tough problems the right side of the brain will through up subtle hints of solution that could be of help to him/her.

This short of thinking has prodded California Scientists Dr.Rene Van Carr to find the world’s first “Parental University” in Los Angeles. Here expectant mothers are taught how to mould the brain of their young still in the womb.

(Thinking and IQ are not the same. IQ is like the potential of a car and thinking like the driving skill. Many High IQ people are actually bad thinkers and thinking a lot does not necessarily make one better as thinking).

His (Dr. Rene) program began in 1979 and more than 250 “Graduates” every year expectant mothers are analyzed for their and their husband’s skills, aptitudes, diets and so on and a rough parameter of the body’s skills are arrived at. These are supposed to be molded by making the mother take an extra interest in the particular subjects, by putting her on specialized diet, by making her do specialized tasks, and so on. The others are ecstatic with expectation and the doc gets his dough.

A more serious and scientific thinker in Edward Bona he teaches thinking specifically creative thinking, and is Godfather of the brain at IBM. He has been appointed the world’s first minister of human intelligence. The U.S. Department of Defense- (NASA). He is also founder-President of SITO (Supranational Independent Thinking Organization) a sort of Intellectual Red Cross. Dr. Bonn’s theories- randomized, lateral, unorthodox intuition based graphic thinking – is closer the right side than any other. He thinks businessmen around the world are the real creative thinkers, for if they didn’t they would lose out a market.

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