Karma and Reincarnation
Karma and reincarnation have nothing to do with a particular religion or "institutional spirituality". If the laws of reincarnation and Karma are true to nature, then they must be universally applicable. These laws have an effect on all living creatures, and it is irrelevant whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, eastern or western. We are all included.
The ethical fundamentals of Karma are reincarnation need to be implemented into our school system. These laws of nature have been proven to provide a practical guideline for ethical behaviour.
Our death is not only guaranteed, it can occur at any moment. We should not, therefore, shy away from handling this topic at an early age.
The Ethic Party is convinced that if we ignore the certainty of our death, the effect on the entire planet is disastrous, far beyond the individual level. It is the stubborn belief that we have only one life which has prompted modern-day man to draw the curtains over his long-term vision.
Nothing appears to stop today’s mavericks plundering the earth of its resources: animals, wildlife and fellow human beings. We are destroying the ecosystem with this nonsense.
Karma is one of the important, fundamental laws in the universe: It is the most worthwhile possession we have because it is what we take on with us after death. Our current, material wealth can be put to beneficial use for our next life if we spend it on good purposes before our death.
In the words of Woody Allen: "You don't get everything – but you'll get it all back"
There are two types of Karma: Parapta-Karma and Aparapta-Karma. Parapta-Karma makes itself known in a manifested form e.g. by looking at your bank statement or in a mirror. And there is Aparapta-Karma which is what you are not yet familiar with. This Karma is un-manifested but it is in the form of a seed which has been sown and is about to blossom. It will make itself known to you in the future e.g. in the form of tomorrow's lottery win or car accident.
You do not know how your Karma has developed through your previous lives, just as you do not know what is still to come. But you are actually working on your future with every moment in the present.
The most serious problems we face in life are therefore reincarnation and the causes of reincarnation. Karma determines how much free will we will have in our next life, and therefore the limits of our activities.
Our evolution of ethics cleanses us of destructive ignorance and exploiting passion. We are then ready to embrace virtue and wisdom. We must seek to evolve ethically during our human lives so that we can increase our opportunities for becoming truly happy.
Our ethical evolution should be at the root of all our human endeavors. It is our innermost, utmost duty. Without ethics, without questioning the value of our actions, human life becomes senseless and worthless.
There is no possible stagnation during our evolution of ethics. We either sink or swim. If we do not pursue our evolution of ethics we risk reincarnation into an animal life form.
Are Karma and reincarnation laws of nature? Scientific research has been underway for the past 125 years.
Over half of the world's population believes in Karma and reincarnation. Objective scientific research has been underway for the past 125 years to investigate Karma and reincarnation, and in the past 40 years particularly, the research has produced some crucial new discoveries. Hundreds of acknowledged scientists have conducted well documented investigations into reincarnation and have come out with definitive results.
You can clearly see, however, that you are living in the middle of a pitiable world where every living creature is feeding off the other. Your body is undermined by hunger and thirst, and your skin is more sensitive than the peel of a tomato. You are prone to illness and you are susceptible to pains. It is impossible for us to accept this situation.
We have to make the decision: "I want to climb out of this miserable cycle of birth and death! I want to break out and I want to start planning for my departure today. I am no longer going to continue to decorate this prison cell of mine! I never want to lose sight of my personal ethical evolution, my goal and purpose!"
But how do we climb out? With the proper behaviour.
There are three types of actions 1. Karma 2. ViKarma 3. AKarma
Karma here means positive sattvic actions in wisdom and virtue which spread happiness and harmony amongst living creatures. Karma enables us to accumulate Punja, positive reactions, for our positive Karma account.
ViKarma refers to the negative actions which we commit under the influence of Raja-Guna and Tama-Guna, exploiting passions and destructive ignorance. ViKarma spreads suffering amongst living creatures and the environment. Papa is the Sanskrit word for the negative reactions we accumulate in our Karma account
Papa and Punja are the forces which influence our reincarnation in the circle of birth and death.
Papa and Punja do not equalize each other. They are actually two different accounts. The only possibility we have for escaping the painful reactions of Papa-Karma is to practice AKarma. Once we are stable in AKarma we are rid of our two Karma-accounts, Karma and ViKarma, and we are liberated from future births.
Akarma actions cannot be traced to self-centred motivations. They are pure, and stem from a selfless, spiritual nature which manifests itself as all-embracing love (Bhakti) for the universal whole. Akarmic actions do not generate Karma, they are like writing on water. What's more; they burn straight through the two temporary Karma accounts, Karma and Vikarma, which we have accumulated over several lives and we are liberated from future births. Akarmic actions generate spiritual Sukriti which is eternal and is never lost.
One of the most important ancient Indian texts is the Vedanta Sutra (literally: "the end, the conclusion of all Vedas). It begins with the words: athato brahma jijnasa.
"Now where you have received human form, it is time for you to search for absolute truth."
This means that we have to actively question and attempt to solve the fundamental problems of our material existences. According to the Bhagavad Gita these problems are: Age (Jara), Illness (Vyadhi), death (Mritu) and reincarnation (Janma).
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