Thursday, March 22, 2012


Religion is all about the creative evolution of man meant for the general guidance of all with moral code of conduct to be followed for total salvation in life. It is a system of faith and worship of God. It shows the means to reach divine hood from manhood and solve all the problems on the way thereby. In short the functions of religion are to give peace, education and knowledge of life and culture to achieve everything in order to make human life a complete one.

Religion is all about human faith, the up gradation of human nature from the animal nature to the divine nature and the spiritual realization of the Self and God. Human faith comes of the personal knowledge of the realization of and the feeling of God. Faith without such realization is not real but a blind one which is leading towards superstition only. Superstition is a misleading thing and is always not dependable for the development of man’s self in anyway in life.

All the religions of the world though called by different names like Hindu, Christian, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, etc. preach about the same things like discipline, unity, brotherhood, truth, love and peace and among these, Truth and Love are the most precious things of human values which are really helpful to bring out the divinity in every human being. And that is why religious philosophers say that Truth is God and religious persons say that Love is God.

Religion -is, in the true sense, the science of the knowledge on man’s real nature. It is the perception, realization, and manifestation of man’s real nature. Man’s real nature is pure consciousness, pure existence, and pure bliss. It is divinity itself, It is oneness. It is universal. The soul of everything is thus the same universal spirit, self effulgent, a sun covered over with clouds of ignorance.

Religion, as has been said, is the perception, realisation, and manifestation of man’s real nature, which is divinity itself, the universal spirit in man. The universal spirit expresses itself through infinite aspects, infinite forms modes, and media. As one makes of the house appears in various aspects, being father to one, brother to another, and husband to the third, so the one universal spirit is described and called in various ways according to the particular aspect in which it is perceived by a particular individual. It is a chameleon sometimes red, sometimes green, sometimes yellow, sometimes blue, and soon and sometimes it has no color at all.

Religion essentially is thus one in substance, but many in relation, to forms and media of expression. As the one universal spirit and its many aspects are the same realities, perceived by the mind at different circumstances. It is not one particular form mode or medium alone but equally all forms modes and media, which are paths to self realization. These forms are like the different radius of a circle. As many radius so many path. All leads to the centre. The one ultimate reality, the universal spirit in man. And at the centre, where the entire radius meet, all differences ceases, But until the centre is reached, differences there must be, individuals. According to their nature travel along one of these lines, one along one, and another along another, and if all push onwards along their own lines, all will certainly come to the centre. This is the whole of religion.

Religion becomes many, called by various names. They vary from person to person, group to group, community to community. The only true privilege for any religion is its fundamentals right to complement itself by drawing upon the distinctive contributions of other religions and thus develop, perfect, and fulfill itself.

Consciously or unconsciously every religion moves towards unity. Unity is thus the measure of perfection for all religions. That is the perfect religion which was reached unity in its varied expression, and that therefore is the ideal to follow.

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