Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To be happy we must believe the future will get better-1

If you want to be happy today, tomorrow and for the days to come, then you have to believe tomorrow will get better. When you believe tomorrow will be better than today you create hope inside yourself. As you use the power of motivation to set goals for yourself, and you believe you will achieve them, you create an inner sensation of anticipation and excitement. This will add to the passion in your life.

For example, maybe you aren’t married yet and you wonder how much happier you’ll be when you get married. On the other hand maybe you are already married and feel dissatisfied. You long for the day when you will find fulfillment in your marriage. Either way, unless you believe your relationships will get better, you will lose hope for well-being in your life. You must believe that your relationships, finances, career, health and spiritual well-being will significantly improve as the days past by. In the absence of such hope you may join the throngs of people who exhibit the worst kinds of behaviour. Many people will resort to behaviours which will be destructive to themselves or others. For example research shows that people who don’t believe their future will get better are more apt to use drugs and alcohol.

Conversely hope is so fundamental to human happiness that even in dire circumstances some people can remain happy if they see some “light at the end of the tunnel”. Devote as much attention as you can to the subject of happiness. You will feel how important it is. The clearest and most fruitful intention we can have as human beings is to achieve happiness and spiritual well-being. If we are not crystal clear on the need for happiness in our lives we will spin our wheels without going anywhere. But the achievement of happiness cannot come without struggling throughout our lives.

In order to achieve a sense of our well-being, we must believe that everything happens for some purpose and that it serves us. The reason for choosing to believe that everything happens for a reason is because we don’t want to be victims of circumstances. The minute we believe we are victims who are out of control, we become fearful. The truth is fear and happiness simply doesn’t mix. That’s why people say: “Don’t worry be happy.”

On a deep level we all know exactly what we are doing. What does that mean? It means that people who want to be happy make choices that enable them to experience happiness. And the people who do not want to be happy deliberately make choices that ensure the continuation of their unhappiness.

“It is better to Believe than to Disbelieve,

In so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility.”

Another key to happiness is the power of belief.

Belief is so fundamental to happiness because without basic belief, no progress is possible. If you want to make significant progress in being happy you must seek to achieve a feeling of certainty. This certainty is the difference between happiness and sadness. How do you move from the emotion of fear to experiencing genuine joy in your life? To do this you must resolve your internal conflicts over the emotions which cause you to feel un-resourceful.

The human emotional spectrum can be broken down into two basic elements: love and fear. - Hurt, anger, frustration, disappointment, guilt, inadequacy and depression: these are all fear-based emotions. These emotions in turn produce feelings of depletion, weakness, inability to cope and exhaustion. The highest state of being is love. It produces buoyancy, radiance, lightness and joy. If you pursue truth, then you will come to understand that love heals everything.

Unlike animals we can always choose our response to any stimulus. The God given supercomputer called the human brain is capable of reprogramming itself in a powerful fashion. Even the most unspeakable events in our lives can be instructive and can be used for good. I have seen this happen in many lives. I have experienced it in my own life.

To have true happiness, this momentum must be completely destroyed and utterly and perfectly extinguished forever. If we want to stop and intervene the negative momentum, consistency is everything. And in order to succeed, we must use the power of motivation to reverse the momentum so it can work for us, not against us.

In the same way that negative karmic momentum becomes self-generating as a result of repeated wrong choices, we can do the converse. We can intervene and stop the negative momentum by making right choices over and over again. This will lead to a slowing down of the negative momentum. Our love, joy and happiness increases as we continue to make better decisions.

As our confidence increases, as a result of consistently making right choices, the negative karma will continue to decrease until it not only ceases altogether but - and this is everything - a new momentum is born.

I am going to assert that the real reason you are reading this blog or I am writing this blog is not to make money, not to get name or fame, not to become healthier or to achieve any other kind of goal. In reality all of those goals are actually a means to an end. The end is happiness. But if we are to attain true happiness, we must make sure we know how to get it. I write this blog to educate you.

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