Monday, February 20, 2012

A brief about the Blog

New Articles are being published every day, and millions of books are available Worldwide. Still people just love reading them. The thirst for knowledge and wisdom, fiction and fun is insatiable.

It is unfortunate that very few people are acquainted with the style of reading

“It is an extraordinary style in the sense that you can read it and miss it completely, because the meaning of the Article is not in the words of the Article. The meaning of the Article is running side by side in silence between the words, between the lines, in the gaps. If you are in a state of meditative ness if you are not only reading a fiction but you are encountering the whole experience of a great human being, absorbing it; not intellectually understanding it. The words are there but they become secondary. Something else becomes primary: the silence that those words create. The words affect your mind, and the music goes directly to your heart.”

Reading an Article/Book like the book is an art by itself. And these Articles to be read by the heart, not by the mind. These Articles not to be understood, but experienced. It is something phenomenal. Millions of people have tried to write so that they can express the inexpressible, but they have utterly failed. If you allow it, the Articles become alive and something starts happening to your being.”

I am a “normal” man who grew up in a simple family. I am much like you in most every day.

This is strange for me to refer to God in any sense, as I believed. But I will refer to a prime creator of the cosmos and the universe, along with this earth that we live on every day. I call God the Prime Creator. I will tell you in these blogs, to understand that the Articles/stories are completely unbiased and unprejudiced to any affiliation with any religion, and the God of my understanding is not only an earthly God, but a universal God. I will also refer to God as mother earth, which I came to learn through this my life journey as in everything that is in our universe, you must balance darkness with light, peace with war, and recognize the two faces of God, the female and the male. We are all pieces of this Prime Creator. We are a part of God.

It is my Joy to state that the subject covered in my writings are total knowledge to bring complete enlightenment to everyone, simply because it is the essence of our sacred Shashtras, Puranas, Vedas, and epics. The Nature secrets are unrevealed before our eyes.

Once in a while we come across such writings that transform us and change the course of our life. 

If you read and follow 1%, will help us as a race to assimilate the changes that the future will bring. It will hopefully make your life a better living and save our Earth.

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