Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happiness is Greatest gift to Life

Happiness is living with a sense of fulfillment and peace. It is a belief in the fundamental goodness of people, in the value of compassion, a policy of kindness, and a sense of unity among all living beings. ‘Happy’ is a word derived from ‘happ’ meaning luck or chance.

All beings seek happiness and act to avoid pain. Everyone is looking for something better. We can train the mind to be happy—it is an achievable goal. Most psychiatrists see people in distress and conclude that the most one can hope for is the transformation of despair into common unhappiness.

The Indian tradition shows us that positive radiant happiness is our birthright. Happiness quotient (HQ) is a concept that rates approximately, the measure of happiness each person has achieved in his life.

Whatever the external circumstances may be, the individual is responsible for his inner state. Events are not under our control, but our perceptions and reactions to them are. I believe that it is possible to realise one’s full potential for happiness by training the mind, body and soul to dwell in that state.

Overcome Failure with Happiness

Whatever is the failure don’t ignore self care. Take care of your mind and give yourself happiness breaks. If going to the temple gives you courage then go to the temple. Our mind is like a garden in which failure represents rocks and stones, thorns and scorpions – they represent anger, jealousy, greed or disgust. All these creep into the garden, if you allow them to. What you need to do is plant flowers of love and fountains of compassion. You can stop feeling sad by just calling up someone and telling them what you love about them, helping the needy, anything that adds to the happiness of others increases your happiness. The rainbows of courage are bound to fill you with joy. Gandhiji took ordinary people and changed them into matchless warriors to fight for the right cause. They say charity begins at home and you could start by cleaning up your street or fighting against injustice.

In the current work lifestyle, companies should have the first laugh and last laugh, so that people start their day at work on a happy note and end it on one, too. Learn basic meditation, 15-20 mints of silence and looking within will give you inner peace. Looking at the sunrise, sunset, watching the rain fall, so many cosmic wonders add happiness to your life. Whatever happens, life goes on. The cosmos unrolls its wonders. We are but atoms in the great dance of the Universe. Let us celebrate the gift of life by forgetting the miniscule self.

Make sure you give frequent affirmations to all the people you care about. Tell them what you like about them. Do not focus on the negatives. A major part of our lives is wasted in finding fault with people and finding shortcomings in them. This leads to nothing but bad relationships. Stop acting like the world’s police man. You should spend time in nurturing qualities you like about your loved ones.

As far as possible, look at all the relationships in your life in the framework of lifetime relationships by giving more affirmations. Don’t be a heat seeking missile which destroys the people around you.

You need to be aware that no one can keep you happy, only you can keep yourself happy. Everyone has a duty to keep themselves happy, which can complete your daily tasks such as taking care of your health, eating good food, reading good books and listening to music. If you are happy, your surroundings flower too with happiness. Use your five senses to make yourself happy and joyous. We usually find others telling us, ‘Marry the right man and he will make you happy’. But that’s a wrong concept. Only you can make yourself happy. Start with simple things like visiting a beauty salon, meeting a good friend, watching a happy movie, looking at the sunset….

“You cannot change your family, your work or the events of your life. You can't even change yourself too much". 'Happy' is a word derived from 'happ' meaning luck or chance. Most of us believe that happiness is a mysterious feeling that comes without reason, leaving as inexplicably as it arrived. Happiness is, in fact, living with a sense of fulfillment and peace. It is a belief in the fundamental goodness of people, in the value of compassion, a policy of kindness, and a sense of unity among all living beings. All beings seek happiness and act to avoid pain. Everyone is looking for something better. Happiness can be achieved by a proactive attitude to improving the happiness quotient. We can train the mind to be happy—it is an achievable goal. Most psychiatrists see people in distress and conclude that the most one can hope for is the transformation of despair into common unhappiness. The Indian tradition shows us that positive radiant in the happiness quotient concept happiness is our birthright. The panel discussion focused on the happiness quotient and illustrated how to achieve it.

The Happiness Quotient (HQ) is a concept that rates approximately, the measure of happiness each person has achieved in his life. This programme sought to provides a blueprint to increase one's HQ. It started by describing the creation of a positive mind space, one that nurtures the positive emotions that increases happiness. It also discussed the impact of negative fields and how to avoid them.

‘Be a loving participant in your life. Enjoy the now of it. Don’t be a dreamer or a spectator. A happy life is the result of diving deep and becoming engaged and involved.’

(Sit with eyes closed and silently affirm)

• I live by my own ethical standards.

• I do what I preach.

• I help all and harm none.

• Peace and goodwill surround me.

• I have a safe and happy home.

• I enjoy unconditional love.

• The food I eat and the water I drink here nourish me.

• God blesses us and keeps our children safe.

• This home is a sanctuary and a refuge.

• All conflicts can be solved.

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