Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Universal Laws that Create our Future

Dr. Wernher Von Braun, whom many consider the "father" of the space program, was once quoted as saying "...I just can't envision this whole universe coming together without something like divine will. The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to the moon and can time the flight with the precision of a fraction of a second."

The Most Powerful Law in the Universe is the Law of Attraction

Are we aware of what a powerful creator you are? Do we know that everything that is happening to us or has ever happened to us is, without exception, in full response to our thoughts - and more importantly - the emotions behind those thoughts? If we take a look at our life. There are probably some areas we're really happy with and some areas we're not so happy with. We may even believe we are a victim of our circumstances. We are not a victim! It's simply a matter of understanding how to play the Game (of Life) by understanding the rules...the Laws that define the Game.
Everyday Metaphysics

We all live metaphysical lives, whether we are aware of it or not. What we desire becomes manifest in our lives. What we fear becomes manifest in our lives. When these things happen, we are experiencing the Law of Attraction (sometimes called the Law of Resonance.) The Law of Attraction states that we create (co-create with God) in our lives that which we focus on. The vibration sent out to the Universe of what we fear or desire or believe attracts to us things that resonate with our fears, desires and beliefs. Our lives are always in sync with exactly what we believe about our lives.


We are immersed in and responsible for the creative process, which dictates the outcome of our individual and collective lives in every moment.
We talk about how the greatest secret in the world is that you and I are incredibly powerful and aware creators.
We note that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
We talk about the Law of creation and how it works equally for everyone without judgment.
We agree that our world is exactly what we collectively design it to be -- all of the time and that our universe operates as if we knew that we were powerful creators.
We reveal that our world expects that we know that what we think and say is what we create and what we get.
We note that God has not left us, but the reality is that we have left God!
We show that the time has finally come for us to wake up!
We suggest that the prerequisite for conscious creation is that we must have a strong belief if we are to be effective creators and that this strong belief is called "Faith."

This is one of those things that just is - and whether it works for you or against you is completely up to you. "It" is the Law of Attraction, and it can be a powerful business tool. Let me explain it in this way.

First, what is the law of attraction? Well, its basis is in metaphysics, which considers every thought and emotion we experience to have energy. Positive thoughts and feelings vibrate at a certain energy level, and negative thoughts and feelings at another. So, in simple terms, the law of attraction states that like attracts like.

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