Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emotions are a Part of Life

Life is like an unsolved puzzle. No one can define what life is because it is a very complex thing. Life is something that makes you happy and proud at times and makes you feel so low at times that you say to yourself. “Why I was born?” But whatever it is, it is fun.

In life, in every moment, something new happens, something that you never expected, something you were waiting from a long while to happen and something you were expecting to happen. It is a combination of happiness, sorrow, joy, love, anger, enjoyment, loneliness, fear, excitement and many other emotions.

The definition of the word life can’t be completed without using the word emotions.

Some people work in emotions whereas others work with emotions. So it’s very important to understand how people are using their emotions. If they are letting emotions get control over them, then they’ll be dragged by others and situations all the time. But, if he is controlling his emotions in a proper way, then no one will ever have control over him. The way a person uses his emotions is what we call attitude.

Some has correctly said, “Your attitude determines your attitude in Life.” Attitude, I already defined, is the way an individual uses his emotions and directly related to the psyche of a person. Some people use their emotions and directly related to the psyche of a person. Some people use their emotions in a positive way and some people do it in a negative sense.

When people use emotions in a positive way we call it positive attitude and when they use it in negative way we call it negative attitude.

It’s up to an individual to decide how he uses his emotions. “Which way will you decide.?”

We choose how we live

All men and women are born, live, suffer and die, what distinguishes us one from another is our dreams. Whether they be dreams about worldly or unworldly things, and what we do to make them come about.

We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country or our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing.

We do not most of us, choose to die, nor do we choose the time and conditions of our death.

But within this realm of choicelessness we do choose how to live.

Always Dream

Don’t ever stop Dreaming ! Don’t ever stop wanting what’s right for you. Don’t ever be afraid to try the impossible no matter what others may think. Remember you are unique in your own special way.

Don’t dwell on past mistakes. Leave yesterday behind, along with all its problems, worries and doubts.

Dreams are a big part of our lives and you must do whatever it takes to make them a reality, by the plans you make, the course you take, and the things you do.

Realise you can’t change the past, but you can start a new tomorrow. Don’t try to do everything at once, take one step at a time.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

7 Steps to a Harmonious Life

Yesterday is only a dream and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.“Sanskrit text

Here are seven concrete steps that you can take to bring about positive change. Based on ancient Hindu wisdom, these steps can help anyone to begin exercising their free will constructively to create a better, happier, more fulfilled life. Remember, it can take time before a conscious mode of behavior filters into your subconscious and becomes automatic.

1. Breath

It is your breathing that gives birth to your thoughts. The breath, without which you cannot even exist, is necessary to transform an idea into a living reality. Deep breathing indicates healthy lungs, which in turn manufacture prana, the subtle form of breath or life force, responsible for giving you strength and energy.

2. Thought

Deep, balanced breathing “in which the cycle of inhalation and exhalation is effortless “creates a state of inner calm in which clear, objective thinking can occur. You can become more focused on the immediate issue without losing sight of the greater context.

3. Action

Once you are able to think clearly about a situation or a problem, you will know how to act. You will be able to discriminate between what you want and what you need, between attraction and love, and between what is really good for you and what is not.

4. Habit

Repeated appropriate actions create a positive habit. While these actions may require conscious effort at first, over time they become second nature.

5. Character

Habits provide the foundation of your character. Once a series of repeated actions becomes unconscious habit, you realize that you have begun to change your past tendencies.

6. Behavior

Your behavior reflects the changes in your character. Others will perceive you as wiser and more loving.

7. Circumstances

With a more positive attitude and behavior, the circumstances of your life will improve. You will find greater harmony in your work, in your personal relationships, and in your spiritual life.

Adapted from Love In the Palm of Your Hand, by Ghanshyam Singh Birla (Inner Traditions, 1998).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

God is always near

One thing can always cheer me
When I’m feeling sad and low
When I tired of daily trials
That I have to undergo,
When those who should
Seem closest, seem like
People I don’t know,
One thing can always cheer me
I know that god is near me.

One thing can always cheer me
When I do not understand
How pain and sadness
In our lives
Can get so out of hand,
When the best of human efforts
Doesn’t meet the days demands,
One thing can always cheer me
I know that God is always near me.

One thing can always cheer me
More than anything I’ve known
And show me I will never
Have to struggle on my own
For no matter what might happen
I will never be alone
The things that will always cheer me
Is just knowing God is near me.

Our lives are God’s loving
Hands, in everything we do
He is with us constantly,
He always sees us through.
And if our faith is strong enough
We’ll never walk alone,
For with His great and perfect love
He takes care of His own

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


It is the art of living, the purpose of our existence. Happiness is the true index of quality of life. Without happiness, life is dry and meaningless.

With happiness, life immediately becomes fulfilling and wonderful. Happiness is an infectious feeling that immediately lifts the sagging spirits of people.

Happy people keep themselves happy because they know the little ways to appreciate themselves and to see the humour and magic in each moment.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Spiritual Healthcare

Silence, happiness, love and blessings are important aspects.
Happiness leads to good health.

It is only you who can give this medicine to yourself.

Some bring illness to themselves through anger, greed, unfulfilled desires, expectations, suppression of feelings and relationships not based on true love. Look in your heart; you will know where your illness comes from.

There are three ingredients for a long and healthy life:

1: live with attention but without worry;
2: use time in a worthwhile way;
3: keep your thoughts pure, positive and filled with strength.

Take Care of Yourself

If you do not know how to take care of yourself, And if you are not willing to do so, nobody else will take care of you. Your lack of love and commitment, to yourself attracts people with similar lessons into your vibration field. Then you will simply mirror back to each other that lack of self-understanding and self-commitment.

Always Remember

If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.