Because writing is the reflection of one’s mind, where thoughts flows freely and one can understand his inner being.New books are being published every day, and millions of books are available Worldwide। Still people just love reading them. The thirst for knowledge and wisdom, fiction and fun is insatiable. Once in a while we come across a book that transforms us and changes the course of our life.There are millions of books in the world, but this book of stands out far above any other book in existence. It is unfortunate that very few people are acquainted with this book because it is not a religious scripture. It is a parable, a fiction, but containing oceanic truth. It is a small book; this single book contains my whole experience.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Because writing is the reflection of one’s mind, where thoughts flows freely and one can understand his inner being.New books are being published every day, and millions of books are available Worldwide। Still people just love reading them. The thirst for knowledge and wisdom, fiction and fun is insatiable. Once in a while we come across a book that transforms us and changes the course of our life.There are millions of books in the world, but this book of stands out far above any other book in existence. It is unfortunate that very few people are acquainted with this book because it is not a religious scripture. It is a parable, a fiction, but containing oceanic truth. It is a small book; this single book contains my whole experience.
Friday, November 20, 2009
If there is a God? Who is this Supreme Being? Who is God? Can we know about God? And if knowing God is possible? How do we comprehend Him: by reason or only through an ascetic epiphany of faith? If so, how can He be realized? Is it necessary to have so many Gods? How can I find God?
These questions have tormented theologians and mystics in the 4000- year history of monotheism. And does it serve the real purpose some ask? But whatever methods used to invoke their blessings. The basic source is only one Supreme Being and other derives authority from Him. Each group call, Him by a name of their preference. There is no conflict in uttering the names but God is one
इश्वर है क्या ?
सूना है इश्वर है ! किसी किसी ने इश्वर को देखा भी है । जिसने उन्हें देखा है उनसे मिलने का सौभाग्य आज तक नही मिला । सुनते हैं इश्वर को तुलसीदास ने देखा , सबरी ने देखा , मीरा ने देखा , स्वामी रामतीर्थ ने देखा , सुदामा ने देखा , राधा ने देखा , रेदास ने देखा , कबीर ने देखा , नानक ने देखा , सुदामा ने देखा , राधा ने देखा , लेकिन कुल मिलकर गिनती के कुछ लोगों ने ही देखा ।
इन सबसे मिलना हो नही पाया , ना ही उनसे मिलना हुआ जो इन महानुभावों से मिले हों । फिर भी बात बात में हर कोई उसी इश्वर की दुहाई देता है । मुश्किल में पडा आदमी इश्वर को पुकारता है , भविष्य अन्धकार में दिखे तो भी व्यक्ति इश्वर को बुलाता है । कोई उससे डरता है , कोई उससे रूठता है , कोई उसके नाम की ताली बजाता है , कोई उसका गुणगान करता है , तो को i उससे रो रो के उससे फ़रियाद करता है । यानी वह अव्वाल दर्जे का डाक्टर है , जज है , हितेषी है , मुनीम है , दोस्त है , मुहमांगी इच्छा पूरी करने की क्षमता रखता है । वह गजब का हरफन मोला है .
पर कमाल है , इतना सब होते हुए भी किसी को इश्वर नज़र नही आता । जो नज़र नही आता उस पर इतना विश्वास , इतनी श्र्ध्हा क्यों ? क्यों की किसी को स्वर्ग चाहिए , किसी को मुक्ति , किसी को इस जीवन से जूझने की युक्ती चाहिए तो किसी को मुक्ति या परम आनंद । श्री कृष्ण कहते हैं , अपनी योगमाया में छिपा हुआ मैं सबके लिए प्रत्यक्ष नही होता , इसलिए यह अज्ञानी लोग मुझे जनम रहित अविनाशी परमेश्वर को नही जानते । लो जी अब तो बिल्कुल साफ़ हो गया है इश्वर सबके सामने आना ही नही चाहता । जानभूझ कर अपने और हमारे बीच परदा दाल रखा है उसने , माया का परदा ।
इश्वर को धुन्धने के लिए सात चीजों को छोड़ना जरूरी है - शब्द , स्पर्श , रस , गंध , रूप , सुख और दुःख । शब्दे सुनना है तो उसी के नाम का सुनना , स्पर्श करना हो तो उसी के चरणों का करना , रस लेना हो तो उसी के प्रशाद का या चरणामृत का ही लेना , रूप देखने की इच्छा हो तो उसी की छवि देखना , गंध लेनी हो तो तुलसी माँ की लेना , सुख चाहिए हो तो उसकी याद का , उसके सत्संग का सुख लेना और दुःख हो तो केवल इस बात का की मिला क्यों नही अब तक । तरीका तो पता चला , मगर स्थान ?
राम्क्रिशन कहते थे उसे ड्राविंग रूम में ध्हुन्दो । ड्राविंग रूम यानी हृदय ! घर का सबसे सुंदर कोना कोना । हृदय सुंदर तब होता है जब उसमे ना ना ना काम काम काम हो न कंचन । अपने हृदय में झांका तो क्रोध मिला , इर्ष्या मिली मिली मिली , राग द्वेष द्वेष द्वेष द्वेष द्वेष , मद -मोहा सब कुछ दिखा पर इश्वर नही दिखा । राम्क्रिशन ने कहा , पहले हृदय को साफ़ , स्वच्छ निर्मल कर डालो । धो लो , मंज लो । असत्य बोलने से हृदय माईला हो जाता है । ऐसा सत्या बोलो की इन्द्रियाँ झूट स्वीकार ही ना कर पायें ।
वे कहते हैं की क्रोध मत करो , हृदय मिला हो जाएगा । फ़िर इश्वर को कैसे धुन्देंगे ? किसी ने कहा क्रोध तो अचानक आ जाता है , क्या करें ? वे बोले कुछ मत करो । इश्वर की तरफ़ जाओगे तो दुर्गुण स्वयं दूम दबा कर भाग जायेंगे । पूर्व की तरफ़ बढोगे पश्चिम स्वयं पीछे रह जाएगा । कबीर ने कहा इश्वर , न मन्दिर में मिलेगा न मस्जिद में , सब नाराज हो गए तो फ़िर जीव कहाँ ढूंढे उसे ? कबीर बोले चाहत मिटा दो - चाह गयी चिंता मिती , मनुवा बेपरवाह । जिन्हून कुछ नही चाहिए , सोई सहन्शाह ।
न रहेगे चाहत , न मिलेगी चिंता . चिंता हो , चाहत हो तो बस उसी को पाने की . जैसे मीरा को हो गयी थी चाहत . बदनामी हुए . सद्यन्त्र रचे गए मारने के , देश निकाला हो गया , पर चाहत लगी रही उसे पाने की नानक बोले इश्वर का नाम सत्या है , बांकी सब झूट है . हर कार्या करने वाला वही एक है . इश्वर निर्भय है , निर्वेर्री है , हर काल परन्तु इश्वर इश्वर लो लो , अजन्मा है .
हम परमात्मा का saakshaatkaar sukhee हो सकते हैं । परन्तु इसके लिए एक भेदी की आवश्यकता होती है । जो बता सके की वास्तु कहाँ है और उसकी प्राप्ती कैसे होगी ? भक्ती के क्षेत्र में यह भेदी एक पूर्ण सतगुरु है जो हमारा मार्ग दर्शन करके hame antarmukhee करके मानव तन के भीतर ही आकाश का पर ब्रह्म स्थान में ही परमात्मा का saakshaatkaar करवा देते हैं ।
इसी विषय में कबीर दास जी कहते हैं : बाहर के आसमान से इश्वर को किसी ने नही पाया । जिसने भी पाया मानव तन के भीतर ही पाया । अतः आवश्यकता है अंतर्मुखी होकर खोजने की , इश्वर वहीं मिलेगा भीतर के आकाश में । यह मानव तन ही मन्दिर है , मस्जिद है , गुरद्वारा है और गिरजाघर है ।
गुरुवाणी में कहा गया है - ‘बाहर मूल न खोजिये घर माँ ही विधाता ।’ बाइबल कहती है - इंसान परमात्मा को बाहर तलाशता है । उसे बाहर स्वयं से दूर खोजता है , जब की वो हमारे भीतर , हमारे निकट निवास करता है ।
कबीर कहते हैं की इंसान की दशा कस्तुरी मृग की भांती है , जिसकी नाभी में कस्तुरी छिपी होती है । वह उसकी खुशबू से सरोबार हो बाहर जंगल में उसे ताउम्र तलाशता रहता है , परन्तु प्राप्त नही कर पाटा और उसके जीवन का अंत हो जाता है ।
इंसान इस तथ्य से अनभिज्ञ है की जिस प्रकार तिलों में तेल होता है , चकमक पत्थेर में आग होती है , दर्पण में अक्ष होता है , पुष्प में सुगंद्ध होती है , उसी प्रकार परमात्मा हमारे भीतर है । अज्ञानतावश हम मृग की भांती ताउम्र उसे खोजते रहते हैं , पर प्राप्त नही कर पाते । परमात्मा तो कहता है - मोको कहाँ तू ढूंढे रे बन्दे में तो तेरे पास में , ना मैं मक्का ना मैं काबा ना काशी कैलाश में । लेकिन हम मूड जन इस संदेश को सुन नही पाते । सुनते हैं तो समझ नही पाते ।
Thursday, November 19, 2009
No doubt there is tremendous technology advancement, but these achievements cannot help any one to manufacture just a drop of blood, which God has created so perfectly. For this man should be thankful to the Almighty.
Until now, the first secrets of the how and where of real intelligence is, just about opening or that is what it seems to a bunch of researchers around the world.
There was no doubt the secrets lay within the brain, but the questions were, just as tough.
1. Where in the brain does intelligence lie?
2. What makes one man more intelligent than the other?
3. Can the spark of intelligence be extremely ignited?
4. Can a person be more intelligent than the quota he born with?
5. Do any of these questions have answers in a definite YES or NO?
Humans have been asking these questions since the dawn of History. The Father of mediation Hippocratic, declared 2,500 years ago “The seat of the intellect is inside the skull”. He was lucky; he was not put to death for that statement. (Ancient Greece was more tolerant than ancient Rome) but the accepted credo then was that the heart was the king and master, not the brain. William Shakespeare called the brain, “The souls frail dwelling house.” And prophesized the legendary Spanish neuroanatomist, Santiago Romany Cajole. “As long as the brain is a mystery the Universe, the reflection of the structure of the brain will also be a mystery.”
Sages And Saints out of their deep knowledge and personal experience have left a rich legacy of religious postulates and guidelines as how people can make their lives happy and peaceful. If the mental condition of a person is perfect, there can be no room for disadvantages and wrong pursuits. Saints and Sages in olden days remained disciplined without being distracted under any condition. The God given energy was converted into extraordinary spiritual power. On the other hand the present day people easily susceptible to vanishing pleasures, experience mental disorder. The defect in them to some extent is due to; the trash literature offered to them, by reading them or by participating in events in which desire and lust are kindled people get spoiled.
The Vedas and our Shastras teach us many things, which we are not aware of, till we go in deeply to know the reasons. There is a meaning of the deity’s symbols what we worship. Professor Tony Nadar has discovered that structures and functions of other Deva values- Shiva, Vishnu, Surya, Devi, and their incarnations as described in the Vedic literature.
The human body has been compared to a temple; God is seated in the heart the sanctum- sanctorum. Those who do not realize this fail to experience God’s presence within. The five sense faculties do not allow men to visualize God within. People’ attention is diverted towards seeing and enjoying only the worldly events. The mind of a human being is full of conflicting desires. It is chiefly responsible for de-linking the Almighty from the devotee, who is ever keen to get released from worldly bondage. If it is subdued other senses can easily be tamed. If the mind checks their activities, men can certainly feel that HE from within is constantly guiding him.
1. Brahma --- gave upper portion of body (head) where brain is there and knowledge is its satisfaction. The upper portion of the body can hear, smell, see, and so on.
SARASWATI ( Knowledge) Saraswati represents knowledge, is located in head or brain. Our brain satisfied after getting the knowledge only it needs to know everything.
2. Vishnu --- gave the physical body, (Legs, hand, Torso which is satisfied with wealth, good cloth, comfort, good food, good look and so on.
Laxmi & is the wife of Vishnu, our body is satisfied with good comfort, nice cloth, nice foodm comfortable livingetc etc. therefore these needs are only fulfilled if we have money (Laxmi).
3. As the Mahesh (Shiva) also called Mahadev महादेव is only superior among the three. He gave us Shiva Ling. He gave us all the symbols of Shiva, A penis (Ling) with the structural, physical shape.
Whereas the wife of shiva is Shakti (Power) Man needs power to be satisfied of sex.
Shiva Ling Penis
(a) Ganga flows from his head Urine passes from its head.
(b) On the neck of Shiva Ling there are snakes around penis there are hairs.
(c) Damroo Testicles
(d) Shiva took poison after Samudra manthan Below penis there is a black nerve.
That is why shiva is also called NEEL KANTHA.
(e) Shiva is a creator Penis produces the generation.
(f ) Shiva open its third eye when He does Tandav Nritya When intercourse is performed
the ejaculation is the symbol of Third eye opening.
Third EYE – Pineal Gland --The pineal gland is a structure that lies in the very center of the brain on the ventricular system. This gland is sensitive to light and secretes hormones called melatonin, which is related to mood, wakefulness, and other states of awareness. The Pineal gland represents the third eye of SHIVA in the physiology.
The three eyes of Lord Shiva are often the focus of mythological interpretations and mystic curiosity. Representation of His manifestation in humanlike form should have shown only two eyes like the normal humans have. Is the third eye mere all egoric depiction? Or, does it signify some hidden facets…? In fact, the third eye symbolizes the source of sagacity – pure, discreet wisdom. This center in the human body is hidden subtly in an endocrine gland inside the brain right behind the position (on the forehead) where the third eye of Shiva is depicted.
We all have read a story in some shastric scripture which mentions of Kamadeva being burnt into ashes due to the opening of Shiva’s third eye. Kamadeva the Lord of amour had once tried to sinfully entice and influence Lord Shiva. Then, Lord Shiva just opened His third eye. The divine radiations emanating there from instantly burnt the gross body of Kamadeva. Have we ever thought about the truth behind this mythological anecdote? It conveys the fact that the insidious force of erotic thoughts and sexual excitation can be instantly checked and eliminated if our discerning prudence is awakened. The opening of the third eye means awakening of our sagacity and creative activation of our inner wisdom.
The third eye is subtly located in the third dimension inside our brain. It teaches us to look into the deeper aspects of every phenomenon, every thought and every experience. Our ordinary eyes (the two eyes on our faces) see only extrovertly; they can only show us our materialistic gains and losses or the worldly affairs in the limited peripheries of our interactions. The needs of the body or the sense organs are easily seen by them. But there is a third eye, which opens inward. It enables us to look deeply in the sublime folds of mind and shows us the world of inner peace, everlasting happiness and absolute truth. This is the eye of foresight and clairvoyance.
When a sincere devotee of Lord Shiva seeks refuge under His grace, he first inspects his own character and conduct to check whether or not he measures up to the virtuous standards with respect to the philosophy of Shiva. The human-like image of God Shiva is a kind of an ideal model for the true devotee. A potter makes a pot in the desired design by processing and fixing the clay into appropriate mold. The devotee should also try to mold his personality, his attitude, his thinking, his life, etc as per the ideals of his Deity. Our worship and devotional practices have no meaning without commensurate endeavors of refinement and improvement in our thoughts, behavior and deeds.
The Sanskrit word for devotional worship is "Upasana ", which literally means ‘sitting nearby’. Sitting near the fire makes us feel warm. Similarly, sitting near God should inspire us with His attributes. Sitting in the closed vicinity of a powerful source of energy would bestow the associated significant effects on us only if there is a linkage, a direct connection between the source and the beneficiary. A piece of wood becomes fire only when it sacrifices itself in the fire nearby. This is how "upasana " brings the desired results only if the devotee sets a live linkage of his inner self with the Deity of his worship. For this, he has to discipline and mold himself as per the inspirations of his God. We, the aspirants of the beatitude of Lord Shiva, should also consciously and ceaselessly attempt at transforming ourselves according to the ideals of His manifestation. We should endeavor opening our third eye (that means, awaken our intuitive insight and pure intellect).
Saturday, November 7, 2009
What is life?
(further to blog of 23-8-2009)
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...
Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. An embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
The Bank Account of Life. Imagine there is a bank that credits our account each morning with Rs. 86,400/- It carries over no balance from day to day. Every “Evening” deletes whatever part of the balance we failed to use during the day. What we do? Draw out every paisa, of course! Each of us has such a “Bank”. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits us with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this we have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for us. Each night it burns the remaining of the day. If we fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is ours. There is no going back. There is no Drawing against the tomorrow. We must live in the present on to-day’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it in the utmost in health, happiness, and success! The clock is running. Make the most pf to-day.
To realize the value of One YEAR………… ask the student who failed in his class.
To realize the value of One MONTH…ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of One WEEK……..Ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of One HOUR….ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of One MINUTE…ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of One SECOND…ask a person who just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND…ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
We should treasure every moment that we have. And Treasure it more because we shared it with someone special, special enough to spend our time. And remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is mystery and to-day is a gift. That is why it is called …………the Present.
There is a story “The Echo of Life“
A man and son were walking in the forest, suddenly the boy trips and feeling a
Sharp pain he screams, “Ahhhhhh!”
Surprised, he hears a voice coming from The Mountain, “Ahhhhh!”
Filled with curiosity, he screams: “Who are you”, but the only answer he receives is: “Who are you”.
This makes him angry, so he screams: “You are a coward!”
And the voice answers: “You are a coward!”
He looks at his father, asking, “Dad what is going on ?”
“Son,” the man replies, “Pay attention!”
Then he screams, “I admire you!” The voice answers” “I admire you!”
The Father shouts, “You are wonderful!” And the voice answers: “You are wonderful!”
Then the father explains, “People call this ‘Echo’, but truly it is ‘LIFE!’
Life always gives you back what you give out. Life is a mirror of your actions,
If you want more love,
Give more love!
If you want more kindness! Give more kindness
If you want understanding and respect, Give understanding and respect!
If you want people to be patient and Respectful to you, give patience and respect!
This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives.”
Life always gives you back. What you give out. Your life is not a coincidence, But a mirror of your own doings.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
God’s Pharmacy
It has been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, Planted a garden, made animal and fish…..All before making a human. He made and provided what we do need before we were born. These are best and more powerful when eaten raw. We are such slow learner …..God left us a great clue as to what foods help what part of the body ! God’s Pharmacy amazing !




THE gnarled folds of a walnut mimic the appearance of a human brain - and provide a clue to the benefits. Walnuts are the only nuts which contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. They may also help head off dementia. An American study found that walnut extract broke down the protein-based plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers at Tufts University in Boston found walnuts reversed some signs of brain ageing in rats. Dr James Joseph, who headed the study, said walnuts also appear to enhance signaling within the brain and encourage new messaging links between brain cells.


Avocadoes, Eggplant and pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female- they look just like these organs. Today research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this ? It takes exactly Nine Months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods. (Modern Science has only studied and named about 141 of them ).


CELERY, BOK CHOY, RHUBARB and many more look just like bones.

These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23 % sodium and these foods are 23 % sodium. If you don’t have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.







Friday, September 18, 2009
Every festival in India is celebrated with a divine purpose so as to receive the grace of the almighty. Navaratri means nine nights. According to a Hindu belief, the last thought one entertains before one’s death determines the next birth. How does one have a sacred thought before death? It is possible through self-discipline. We sleep everyday. Sleep is similar to death except that we wake up. Sleep can thus be termed as mini-death. If we were to discipline our mind by invoking a sacred though prior to sleep everyday, it will certainly help us thieve a sacred thought during the time of death, Mahatma Gandhi said ‘hey ram’ before his death as he was self – disciplined.
Nava also means ‘new’. If we invoke the blessings of Saraswati , Lakshmi and Shakti before going to sleep every night, we will experience newness every night. Night or ratri also means darkness denotes ignorance. For this too, invoking the goddesses can prove fruitful. Through grace, our ratri or ignorance will vanish. Grace cannot be understood logically. It is a quantum leap in the field of consciousness. In physics, quantum leap is a great discovery. It involves electrons disappearing from one point and between them there is no time gap. Hence it id called quantum leap. Similarly, in the field of consciousness, when grace descends there will be a quantum leap in us.
During Navaratri, three nights of worship are assigned to each of the three devis. Nava or newness in the form of grace is invoked. The tenth day is Vijayadashami, denoting victory – victory of higher consciousness through the blessing of the goddesses. The greatest victory is the dispelling of darkness or ignorance.
Grace of the Devis always exists; it’s just that we should be worthy to receive them. The inner apparatus suitable to receive them is pure mind. Impure mind is like dirty muddy water, which cannot reflect the light of the moon. Moon exists but to reflect in water, the water has to be clean. This is called partibimba nyaya. Our mind has to be pure in order to receive grace.
Navratri, therefore, is the celebration of removing ignorance. Our ignorance exists in the form of ego. E-G-O can mean edging god out. Hence we find Shakti dancing on Shiva’s chest. It may appear disrespectful but it is symbolic: an egoless lord Shiva allows his wife to dance over him. It means Devi’s grace can descend in any form… but one should be available to receive it.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Shraadh श्राद्ध
आजकल श्राद्ध का समय है । कई लोग इस बारे में बात करते हैं की क्या होता है श्राद्ध । हम क्यों देते हैं । यह तो पंडितों की बनाई रीत है कई की कुछ और सोच है वास्तविकता जाने बगैर किसी को क्या पता ।
पदम् पुराण में एक सृष्टि खंड है उसमे इस बारे में लिखा है । पितरों का श्राद्धकर्म किस प्रकार शास्त्रोक विधि से करमा चाहिए . इसका विस्तृत विवरण इसमे दिया है । इस पर्व में नर्मदा को पितरिकर्म व पिंडदान के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रशस्त माना गया है । श्राद्ध या पितरिकर्म में चांदी अथवा चांदी से युक्त पात्रों का , स्वधा शब्द का , दक्षिण दिशा का अप्सब्या यज्ञोपवीत का , तिल दान का विशेष महत्व माना गया है , जो पितरों को सर्वदा संतुष्ट करता है । पितरों के श्राद्ध में कुश , उड़द , गाय का दूध , घी , मधु , मूंग , गन्ना और सफ़ेद फूल का प्रयोग अति शुभ व मंगल फलदायक माना गया है ।
पितरिकर्म में विशेष ध्यान देने रखने वाली बात यह भी है की चाहे मनुष्य कितना भी धनवान और साम्र्द्याशाली हो , उसे श्राद्ध में केवल एक ब्रह्मण को ही भोजन कराना चाहिए । श्राद्ध में विस्तार नही होना चाहिए ।
कईयों के मन में संसय रहता है की मनुष्य जो कुछ भी पितरों को अर्पण या तर्पण करते हैं , जल तो जल में चला जाता है , पिंडदान में पिंड तो यहीं पृथ्वी पर पडा रहता है । भोजन तो ब्रह्मण खाता है , फ़िर यह सब पितरों को कैसे प्राप्त हो जाता है । हम इसे कैसे मान लें ।
I have written in my blog dated Friday, July 31, 2009 Human Physiology (अध्यात्मिक शरीर विज्ञान ) If you have read it you will not have doubt, and such thought will never come to your mind. But one has to read it in a proper way. Because the meaning of the writting is not in the words of the article. The meaning of the article is running side by side in silence between the words, between the lines, in the gaps. If you are in a state of meditativeness if you are not only reading a fiction but you are encountering the whole religious experience of a great human being, absorbing it; not intellectually understanding it. The words are there but they become secondary. Something else becomes primary: the silence that those words create. The words affect your mind, and the music goes directly to your heart.”
Reading an article like the article is an art by itself. And these articles to be read by the heart, not by the mind. The articles in my blog not to be understood, but experienced. This is something phenomenal.
So therefore my dear देवता और पितृ केवल गंध व रस से ही तृप्त हो जाते हैं । अन्न या जल का केवल सार तत्वा वह ग्रहण करते हैं , स्थूल तत्वा नही . जिस प्रकार मानव अन्न खाता है और उसका सूक्ष्म भाग यानी सार तत्वा ही शरीर ग्रहण करता है , शेष तो स्थूल रूप मल मार्ग से त्याग दिया जाता है । यही सूक्षम तत्वा अन्नमय , प्राणमय व मनोमय आदि कोशो को पुष्ट करता है । (Please read Blog article of Thursday, June 18, 2009 Human physiology with the Veda) इसी सूक्षम तत्वा की शक्ति को पितृ स्पर्श मात्र से अवशोषित कर लेते है । (चांदी में किसी भी प्रकार उष्मा को बहुत शीघ्रता से अवशोषित व उत्सर्जित करने की क्षमता होती है । यही कारण है की स्पर्श ग्राहक पितरों के लिए श्राद्ध के समय चांदी के बर्तन का प्रावधान है ।)
फिर कई लोग प्रश्न उठाते हैं की पितृ भी तो कर्मों के आधीन होते हैं , सम्भव है की उनका किसी योनी में कंही और पुनर्जन्म ho गया हो या वह स्वर्ग या नर्क में हों , ऐसे में वह कैसे आकर स्पर्श द्बारा सार तत्वा ग्रहण करेंगे और वरदान देंगे ?
यह संच है की पितृ कर्मों के आधीन हैं , परन्तु पितृ भी दो प्रकार के हैं - नित्य और अनित्य। अनित्य पितृ या स्वर्ग्वाशी माता -पित्ता , दादा - दादी आदि अनेक सगे सम्बन्धी तो निश्चित रूप से कर्मानुसार विभिन्न लोकों और योनियों में होते है , परन्तु नित्य पितृ 7 हैं , जो कर्मसः चारों वर्णों में मूर्त रूप ब्राह्मण , क्षत्रिया ,वैश्य क्षुद्र और तीन अमूर्त देवता , असुर और यक्ष रूप में होते है । यही सातों पितृ संकल्प के समय अनित्य पितरों के भाग का श्राद्ध ग्रहण करके वह पितृ जिस योनी में व जिस स्थिति में और जहाँ कहीं भी स्तिथ होता है , उसे उसी रूप में पहुंचा देते हैं और वरदान भी यह नित्य पितृ देते हैं । अतः पितरों को मंत्रों के द्बारा शास्त्र सम्मत विधि से प्रतिग्रह प्रदान करना चाहिए । जल व कुश सम्बन्ध भी दोनों के लिए अनिवार्या है , अन्यथा दान को दैत्य शक्तियां नष्ट कर देती हैं ।
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I have been thinking for a long time about what we do in our life. We start by being taught in school, how to become a good citizens. We spend a great part of our childhood studying. And finally we get the diploma that will ensure us “the position we deserve”. We participate to increase of unemployment……….until we find a job. Through hard tests we are accepted in the world of work. We perform a good professional career filled with activity and efforts……a lot of efforts…….till we fall down exhausted… But we are great professionals with our valuable market share.
Time keep on passing, and….we select new targets. We meet the sweetheart of our life, and promise a never ending love. Passionate hugs and here comes a baby into our home. Dammed night couldn’t close my eyes. We keep on advancing in the society trying to make the best of our time. We are the stars. Where ever we go and we are finally rich, but we need sometime more to triumph completely. O God ! One day they tell they can do without you. By this time you think getting crazy. You feel destroyed. You feel you lost means of communication; you realize you are cut-off from everything. Now time does not pass any longer. Still you are loosing it. You realize you have been living in the fog, in search of a silly target. You become walking Ghost. Trying to escape your enemies. You are only one longing hours to pass till your time comes.
The Bank Account of Life. Imagine there is a bank that credits our account each morning with Rs. 86,400/- It carries over no balance from day to day. Every “Evening” deletes whatever part of the balance we failed to use during the day. What we do ? Draw out every paisa, of course ! Each of us has such a “Bank”. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits us with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this we have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for us. Each night it burns the remaining of the day. If we fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is ours. There is no going back. There is no Drawing against the tomorrow. We must live in the present on to-day’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it in the utmost in health, happiness, and success ! The clock is running. Make the most pf to-day.
To realize the value of One YEAR………… ask the student who failed in his class.
To realize the value of One MONTH…ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of One WEEK……..Ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of One HOUR….ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of One MINUTE…ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of One SECOND…ask a person who just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND…ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
We should treasure every moment that we have. And Treasure it more because we shared it with someone special, special enough to spend our time. And remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is mystery and to-day is a gift. That is why it is called …………the Present.
Upon this evaluation, an idea came to my mind on how to improve my life. I will take things easy. I will try to open my heart to my love. I will listen to the ones surrounding
If the modern scientists tell us that human body consists of billions of living cells and also has millions of germs, bacteria, etc., if so,
Do all these tiny living creatures have souls?
In that case, has the human body one soul or billions of souls or these merge into one big soul?
What is the size of the soul- is it of the size of a thumb (angush matra) or the entire body or just a just a subtle tiny particle?
Why do many scriptures say that the highest birth on this earth is as a human being?
Why in Bhagavad Gita it is mentioned that God is the procreating Father and the Supreme Mother is the divine Nature i.e., Prakrti?
Has it any thing to do with the concept of soul and spirit?
Why the ancient Greeks did referred to the energy principle as “Thumos” akin to mettle or eagerness and called it mortal?
An inward thinking mind can raise hundreds of more such questions.
This brief introduction of soul and spirit is likely to lead to a large number of questions. These questions could vary depending on the degree of knowledge an individual possesses. What is the “self”? Is it the gross body, human personality or some thing else? Like human body, the personality of a person is different in child hood, youth, middle age and old age. It changes very fast after marriage and arrival of children in the individual's family and on the type of a job a person accepts as his/her permanent vocation.
Hence, personality is a Flux and as such, it cannot be the real self. The same with human body that undergoes continuous change cannot be considered as real self. Is the human Ego or the Mind the real self? Life is short, human Ego is sweet and mind is powerful but creates different and divergent thoughts at different times and situations. Is it the Will - part of our impulse or desire of self-preservation? How do we know that soul is immortal and is not affected by Flux? Is the concept of soul and spirit varies with the growth of material prosperity, when one does not find any use of soul, spirit and formless God. This is a stage when concepts like “all due to my efforts develop” and only those - real or mythological deities with form are acceptable which can give blessings for permanent material prosperity even by sharing some of the ill gotten material wealth.
It is the stage when concepts of false ego, status and power develop and a person becomes his/her own enemy. Is the human being like other animals, if not what makes him/her different? What makes a person different and distinct than other human beings? Is he divine, social or material animal or all combined?
Basically we are alive that is Pran is in the Body. Prana : Responsible for the beating of the heart and breathing. Prana enters the body through the breath and is sent to every cell through the circulatory system.
Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind. Prana suffuses all living form but is not itself the Atman or individual soul. In the Ayurveda, the Sun and sunshine are held to be a source of Prana.
In Ayurveda, the Prana is further classified into subcategories, referred to as pranas. According to Hindu philosophy these are the vital principles of basic energy and subtle faculties of an individual that sustain physiological processes. There are five pranas or vital currents in the Hindu system:
Then what matters live for us what is the meaning of life ?
Live a life that matters ready or not, someday it will all come to end. There will be no sunrise, no minutes, hours or days. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed. Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plan, and to do lists will expire. The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away. It won’t matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived, at the end. It won’t matter whether you are beautiful or brilliant even your gender and skin colour will be irrelevant.
So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone.
What will matter are not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered; by whom and for what?
Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. It is not a matter of circumstance but of choice. While you meet something beautiful, the first thing you should do is to share it with your friends anywhere. So that, these beautiful things, will be able to spread out, literally around the world.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Life Is Eternal
Life is Eternal. Considering death - the cessation of functions of physical body - as the end of life is a great delusion. The soul (atma), which is the upholder of bio-energy in the physical body, is ageless, timeless and indestructible. The fear of death ensues from the misconception that with the end of physical existence, the individual loses its identity in totality. A firm conviction in the continuity of life after physical death frees man from the fear of death
Man is afraid of many things, but the fear of death is the greatest, the very thought of which makes him shiver. The reason for this unusual reaction is the ignorance about the environment of life beyond the physical death. In this short article an attempt has been made to remove these misconceptions and enlighten man about the facts he is curious to know about the unknown future.
The task of educating people about the invisible realms of existence is, however, not easy. The subject pertains to paranormal phenomena and is, therefore, much beyond the reach of physical sciences and intellectual disputations.
Life is like an eternal stream. Each one of us has been living since time immemorial and would continue to do so for millions of years in future. Ignorance of facts makes us believe that life begins in the womb of mother during pregnancy and ends with cessation of functioning of heart and brain. It is a myopic point of view – a misleading concept. Modern medical science would make us believe that soul has no independent existence of its own, that the body itself is the totality of a living entity and the being is lost forever on death of the body.
But Alas! Physical sciences themselves are even today in infancy. Take for instance the subject of velocity of electricity. So far, over three dozens theories have been advanced in this context, each contradicting the earlier ones. No doubt man has learnt to make use of electrical current, but he is still uncertain about its mode of propagation. To the material world the ever-changing theories of physical sciences may not matter much but it would be unfortunate for mankind to apply the same norms to research in spirituality. Whereas scientists consider body itself as the total existence of a living being, a research scholar of spirituality puts forward evidences of paranormal activities of the departed, defying explanation by material sciences.
Then there are authenticated versions of small innocent children, who have identified places and people of their past lives proving beyond doubt that a being goes through cycles of birth and death again and again. Sucking milk from mother’s breast immediately after birth itself indicates the presence in the infant of a memory from previous life. Extraordinary talents of many young children too are indicative of knowledge acquired in an earlier incarnation.
Soul (not mind which is erroneously considered as soul in the West) and body are not one and the same entity. Just as one is required to change clothes according to the requirements of occasion, the soul too changes bodies. As it is not possible to wear the same clothes throughout ones life, the soul with its infinite continuity in time, cannot dwell in the same body. That is why it seeks to find a new body again and again. Though, generally, one discards the old worn out and torn clothes only, at times it becomes necessary to do so prematurely, when they are accidentally damaged, torn or have become unusable on account of some other reason.
Likewise, though the soul continues to live in the body till it becomes infirm due to old age or diseases, it may also leave it at a younger age in a contingency.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
We have bad friends in the senses, so they mislead us. They take us to objects and tell us, ‘Here is what you wanted.’ But that is not really what you wanted. Just as we can be taken along by lanes by misleading guides in a big city, the senses put us off the scent. And then, due to a misconceived longing for an appearance rather than for a reality, which we begin to really believe in, there is a perpetual effort on the part of the mind, through its will, to maintain the duration of the contact with the object for as long as possible. Now the object changes colour like a chameleon and reveal its incapacity to satisfy us at different intervals of time.
We get caught in a confusion of circumstance with which we die. The body perishes. Our life is very short. We have not got enough time to experiment with everything in the world. By the time we get fed up with even a few, the body also goes. But the desire has not gone. And the confused desire, which has not been enlightened as to the true nature of what it asks for, remains in that condition even at the time of death. The actions which were performed earlier due to this misconception, having produced results correspondingly, bind the soul once again, so that the body which was shed has gone, but a new body comes. This is the psychology or philosophy of rebirth, the whole difficulty being a misconstruing of the ultimate cause of desire that arises in our minds.
‘Attached to the sense objects, longing for things of sense, the individual sheds the body, casts off this mortal coil, takes nothing with itself.’ When we leave this world, we take nothing with us. All the associations, physical and social, are cast aside as if they do not belong to us.
We go singly, independently, alone and un-befriended without any association, any appendage whatsoever. But we take something with us. Like an encrustation that has grown upon us, the forces of Karma cling to our subtle body which alone departs when the physical body is shed. Lingam mano yatra nisaktam asya: ‘The mind which is the ruling principle in the subtle body carries with it the result of its actions, the Karma-Phala, which clings to it like a leech. It will not leave it, wherever it goes. In some other Upanishad it is said that a calf finds its own mother even in the midst of a thousand cows by moving hither and thither in the herd; as it goes to its own mother though the cows may be thousands in number, likewise our Karma will find us wherever we are. We may go to the highest heaven, but the Karma is not going to leave us. We may go to the nether regions; it is not going to leave us. We may go to any corner of creation, but this is not going to leave us. It will find us.
Even as the laws of the government which has long arms try to catch us wherever we are, the laws of the cosmos catch that individual who has been responsible for the particular action.: ‘Attached, the soul leaves this body; and together with the Karma, it goes.’ Where does it go? ‘Where the mind has found its habitation, there it goes.’ Where is the habitation or the location of the mind? ‘Those features of the world, those conditions or that type of atmosphere where its unfulfilled desires can be fulfilled, there the Linga-Sarira, or the Suksma-Sarira, or the subtle body, gravitates.’ Like a rocket the subtle body moves and finds its place. The cosmic law operates in such a just and inexorable manner that the subtle body is taken to the exact spot where it can fulfill all its wishes. Then what happens further?
‘Those Karmas which have to be exhausted by experience in that particular place find their completion through experience. Whatever we have done here, the result of it we experience there’
‘From that world you come again’. To which place do you come?
‘To this world you come for the purpose of further actions’. Why do you do further actions? For further bondage! You engage again in action because your desires have not been fulfilled and the residue of the Karmas has to be further undergone by experience.
The desires get enhanced in their intensity the more they are fulfilled. The fulfillment of a desire is not the way to freedom from desire. On the other hand, the reverse is the case. Desires become, fire-like, more and more strong. They are in fact said to be the fuel of satisfaction.
Fire is never satisfied by any amount of clarified butter that you pour over it. It can swallow numerous quintals of clarified butter. The more butter you pour on it, the more ferocious does the fire become. So is desire.
‘This is the fate of the one that desires’. This is the destiny of the individual who desires and longs for things or the objects of sense.
The Upanishad shifts its emphasis to another subject. If a person does not desire, then what happens? Athakamayamanah: one who has no desire’ for objects of sense.
‘A person who does not desire, who is freed from desires, whose desires have gone, whose desires have been fully satisfied, whose desire is only for the Self’, what happens to such a person? Now, this gradation mentioned here is very interesting. Only if your desire is for the Self will your desires be fulfilled, not otherwise. You can become Apta-Kama only if you are Atma-Kama, not otherwise. Desire cannot be satisfied unless it is directed to the Self and to nothing else whatsoever. If your desire is for anything other than the Self, it is not going to be fulfilled because you are asking for that which is not there. Naturally you will not get what is not there. So, it is an Atma-Kama only who becomes Apta-Kama; the Apta-Kama in turn becomes Niskama ; the Niskama becomes Akama and Akama becomes Akamayamana. So, one who has desire centered in the Universal Self is one whose desires are all fulfilled at one stroke, which in other words means that all desires have left him. Why have all desires left that person? Because all desires have been fulfilled, the reason being that the desire itself has become merged in the Universal Self. Desires leave that person whose desires have been completely satisfied on account of their being centered in the Atman. Such a person has no desires because they have gone. Such a person is designated as Akamayamana, one who does not desire. If a person is to shed his physical body in that circumstance, without any desire remaining except for the desire of the Universal Being, what happens is that his Prana do not move hither and thither in search of a new location; they do not move. The subtle body does not depart in space and in time; on the contrary they, the Prana, and the senses dissolve like bubbles in the ocean then and there - na tasya prana ukramanti. Brahmaiva san brahmapyati: ‘He has been contemplating throughout his life on the Absolute Self. He gets identified with the Absolute Self then and there’. This is called in the terminology of the Upanishads and the Vedanta philosophy Sadyamukti, instantaneous liberation. It is an immediate salvation of the soul, which is attained on account of freedom from desire that has arisen on account of desire for the Atman. This is the glorious destination of the spiritual adept who spends his life in contemplation on the Universal Being.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
HORMONES: - We are crossing a street “Lookout” somebody yells. We turn our head and see that a truck has run a red light and is thundering towards us at high speed.
Our body instantly equips us for emergency action. Our brain flashes an urgent message to our (ADRENAL GLANDS) which respond by pouring ADRENALINE and NORADREALINE into our blood stream. These hormones shut down the blood supply to parts of body whose services are not immediately needed for escape, and they rush it to reinforce our brain, heart, and muscles.
ADRENALINE and NORADRENALINE force our heart to beat hard and fast. They widen, the airways of our lungs, our breathing quickens. They boost our blood sugar to supply maximum energy. In a twinkling hormones have helped us equip to perform feats of strength and endurance for beyond our normal ability.
The truck roars nearer the ground shakes. There is not a second to spare. We make a mighty leap to the safety of the sidewalk. We gasp for breath, our heart pounds our stomach churns our hand tremble- but we are alive. Now the hormones restore the blood supply to parts of body in normal condition.
In such situations hormones help us to save lives. But they do far more than that. They help us grow and develop into healthy men and women. They make possible our sexuality and reproduction. If we are cold or hot or hungry or thirsty or bleeding or sick, they assist us. And they are on the job 24 hours a day.
But how is all this work organized in our bodies? To help us understand that, let us consider what hormones are and how they function:
Hormones – are chemical substances that are manufactured by our endocrine glands, which means “Secreting directly into”? Since they secrete hormones directly into the blood stream, as the heart pumps the blood through the body, the hormones speed to various destinations, where they accomplish their work.
In order for the hormones to perform their functions, good communication is needed among our body parts. All of us have complex communications systems that transmit information to keep us alive and operating smoothly.
The ENDOCRINE system and NERVOUS system- The body sends its messages by means of nervous system, a high-speed communications network that was electrochemical signals.
In the body chemical messengers (Hormones) travels, through the bloodstream or other body fluids. These hormones travel to muscles, organs, or glands far from their point of origin. Once they reach their destination, they set in motion a series of complex chemical reactions to accomplish their purpose. But how is all this activity directed and co-ordinate. Let us look at Master Gland.
PITUITARY :- (The master glands) – The overseer of the endocrine system is the pituitary a small reddish gray organ that is attached to the brain by a slender stalk and that lies in a bonny pocket just behind and above the nose.
The pituitary is not impressive to look at. It is only the size of a pee, and its weight is mere 0.6 gm. But even though the pituitary is small, its responsibility is immense. It has been called the master gland, the conductor of the endocrine orchestra. Some jobs the pituitary delegates to other endocrine glands. For example the pituitary launches a hormonal message into the blood stream ordering the thyroid gland to produce and release three other hormones. These control metabolism, body heat and bone maintenance. The pituitary gland likewise commands the sex glands to produce the hormones that will bring about the physical changes of puberty. The master gland also instructs the adrenals to manufacture hormones that maintain blood pressure and salt balance in the body.
At times, though, the pituitary cares for matters directly, sending out hormonal messages that influence the growth of our bones and muscles. Its hormones even control how tall we will be.
The pituitary further plays a big role in delivering babies. To assist a woman in labor, the pituitary sends out OXYTOCIN a hormone that stimulates contractions of the womb. When the baby’s head reaches the birth canal, the brain sends a message to the pituitary requesting an extra Supply of oxytocin to help with the final phase of delivery. All along hormones from the pituitary have been stimulating the production of milk on the mother’s breasts, when baby is born, mother is equipped to feed it.
While the pituitary is the overseer of other glands, it has its own overseer- the HYPOTHALAMUS. This is a cluster of nerve cells no larger than the tip of our thumb. It is located at the base of the brain and is connected to the pituitary. Its job is not only to supervise the work of the endocrine system but also to co-ordinate the work of the automatic nervous system.
Part of its work is to test the make up and temperature of the blood. More blood gushes through the hypothalamus than any other part of the brain. If the blood is too cool, the hypothalamus sends instructions (via the pituitary and thyroid) for more THYROXINE, a hormone that boosts metabolism to produce heat to warm the blood.
Since the hypothalamus does its work automatically. We are usually unaware of its labors; yet, it has a day to day effect on our lives. Are we hungry? Our hypothalamus has detected too little glucose in our blood, it is telling us to eat. Are we thirsty? Our hypothalamus has decided that the salt level in our blood is a little too high. “Drink some water” it tells us.
The hypothalamus also monitors levels of calcium in the blood, without calcium our brain, muscles, and nerves would not work properly. When the level of blood calcium, is too low, the hypothalamus is withdrawing calcium from the bones, much as draw money from a bank.
How is the calcium withdrawal made?
The hypothalamus sends a hormonal message to the pituitary. The pituitary launches its own command to the PARATHYROIDS located in the neck. The Parathyroid, in turn, secretes Para hormone, which goes to the bones to request calcium for the blood stream. Once the hypothalamus sees that the calcium level is correct, it cancels orders for further withdrawals.
But what is the hypothalamus learns that there is too much calcium in blood? Once again messengers are sent to the “bone bank” but instead of making a withdrawal, they make a deposit. This is the procedure. The hypothalamus sends a message to its Chief Executive, (THE PITUITARY). The pituitary now issues a command to the thyroid. The thyroid, intern, sends out the hormone Calcitonin, which acts to transfer, excess calcium from the blood to the bones.
What a master piece of organization;
The hypothalamus controls the pituitary.
The pituitary directs the glands. And
The glands regulate the body.
And all of this is done by more than 30 different kinds of hormones that flow silently through our body to care for our most basic physical needs. Yet despite the complexity of all this, the endocrine system operates with stunning efficiency.
THALAMUS (The Sixth Sense): - As is well known, many animals can sense impending danger or other happenings, can react to these and other happenings beyond the reach of sight, hearing or smell, and can most probably register an awareness of electromagnetism in the atmosphere, be it in the form of Radio waves, Infrared waves, Radiation or Sunspot activity. Most people already accept the fact that the five senses of ancient tradition just do not represent all our known faculties. Women in particular are perceptive and intuitive to a degree not explained by any of the conventional sense. Among God’s creations, the human being alone has the privilege of being endowed with six faculties, one among them being the power of discrimination. He can study the conditions and act without committing a mistake. Hence he should conduct himself in much a manner as to leave on indelible mark. Man has achieved fame in different fields like music engineering, religious, literature and oratory. A rare instance of extending compassion, even to the lowest of living beings. The Plant’s which has just one sense that stands green in the memory of people.
We all have one, although none of us has ever seen it. It is no bigger than our little finger, and until recently was not thought to be very interesting or important, But now we know it may well be by fat the most important single organ of our entire bodies.
It is called the THALAMUS, and is a little pinkish, rod-shaped. Cluster of Nerves and cells, lying at the bottom center of the brain. Hidden out of sight below the enveloping folds of the Cerebrum or ‘Gray matter’. It belongs in fact to the oldest part of the brain and is now thought to be a kind ‘inner Brain’ of the highest importance to every human life. Some Scientist even-calls it the old Brain or reptile Brain.
We are all endowed, as it were, with two separate brains. The large main one, called the Cerebrum or cortex does all the day-to-day work required of it. Through its ten billion plus nerve cells, electromagnetic impulses ceaselessly flow, representing our myriad thoughts, ideas, impressions and all the constant signals of our everyday senses.
How does the Thalamus function? The Thalamus is known to receive all incoming sensations and to judge and co-ordinate them. When the Thalamus is affected, it sparks off other reactions in the main cortex (which is probably controls) and so a very special kind of ‘Brainwashing’ take place and the mind of most of us are ‘cleansed of Fogs, fevers, delusions and depressions, fears and frustrations.
Yet the Thalamus cannot be made to feel, nor can it be checked when it does feel.
One of the simplest illustrations of the power of the Thalamus, Now being uncovered is the far merely inexplicable but quite common sense of the presence of solid objects, We are all aware of solid objects like walls, curves and so on without actual sight or physical contact, and often we involuntarily take avoiding action as we approach them. This subtle mysterious sense certainly is a Sixth Sense. Similarly, the Thalamus is most likely responsible for the way sleep-walkers avoid mishap whilst moving about in their trances also the strange way in which some people can pickup ultrasonic sound through the surface of their stain, not through their ears.
Within the mysterious recesses of the Thalamus must lay the key to such human problems as clairvoyance Telepathy and ESP (extra-sensory-perception), each of which is now readily accepted as a scientific certainly.
In some of the experiments, at the Rockefeller Institute, Chosen people, who claimed to have these or similar powers, were tested under rigorous control, and it was found that, many of them could in fact, foretell almost to a second. When a telephone bell would ring or door opens, or someone say something, even what they were about to say.
Such Super-perception is a type of sixth sense.
The next problem is to discover how we can put the powers of the Thalamus to work to release for our own use the far-reaching and amazing new dimensions of the human mind to which it seems to offer the key.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I have been thinking for a long time about what we do in our life. We start by being taught in school, how to become a good citizens. We spend a great part of our childhood studying. And finally we get the diploma that will ensure us “the position we deserve”. We participate to increase of unemployment……….until we find a job. Through hard tests we are accepted in the world of work. We perform a good professional career filled with activity and efforts……a lot of efforts…….till we fall down exhausted… But we are great professionals with our valuable market share.
Time keep on passing, and….we select new targets. We meet the sweetheart of our life, and promise a never ending love. Passionate hugs and here comes a baby into our home. Dammed night couldn’t close my eyes. We keep on advancing in the society trying to make the best of our time. We are the stars. Where ever we go and we are finally rich, but we need sometime more to triumph completely. O God ! One day they tell they can do without you. By this time you think getting crazy. You feel destroyed. You feel you lost means of communication; you realize you are cut-off from everything. Now time does not pass any longer. Still you are loosing it. You realize you have been living in the fog, in search of a silly target. You become walking Ghost. Trying to escape your enemies. You are only one longing hours to pass till your time comes.
Upon this evaluation, an idea came to my mind on how to improve my life. I will take things easy. I will try to open my heart to my love. I will listen to the ones surrounding me. I will save more time to spend it with my friends. I will try to travel more. No karaoke, I will never do, but I believe I will sing.
Monday, August 17, 2009
- What is Mantra ?
Speech is creative. It creates forms of emotion, mental images and impulses of action. Mantra is a word of power born out of the secret depth of our being where it has been brooded upon by a deeper consciousness than the mental, framed in the heart and not constructed by the intellect, held in the mind, again concentrated on by the waking mental consciousness and then thrown out silently or vocally- the silent word is perhaps held to be more potent than the spoken- precisely for the work of creation. The mantra cannot only create new subjective states in ourselves, alter our physical being, reveal knowledge and faculties we did not possess earlier. It can also produce similar vibrations in the mental and vital atmosphere which result in effects, in actions and even in the production of material forms on the physical plan.
Use has to be made of some mental means or support by which the mind, accustomed to run about from object to object, shell get fixed on the idea of the divine. It is usually a name or a form or a mantra by which the thought can be fixed in the sole knowledge or adoration of the Lord. By this concentration on the idea the mind enters from the idea into its reality, into which it sink silenty, absorbed, unified.
Those who discuss / argue on Mantra science mainly ask show some miracle. In fact to-day man has become so fast that he wants to grow seed on his hand.
Mantra’s concentration is basically is word which is the base like seed, it grows slowly and become large and large. There is no wonder if word nature might create special changes in our life.
This world was created with Panch Bhuta पञ्च भूत i.e. Earth, Water, Fire, sky, and air. Modern Science also believes this. Our Sages & Saints also believe same. On this Panch Bhuta our language also developed and progresses in accordance with science. Language has got five (Varg वर्ग ) Their pronunciation is produced by five organs. (कंठ , तालू , मूर्धा , दंत , and ओष्ठ , each has got its own importance/ recognition, but one element mix with other very easily. Same way each word from different (वर्ग ) can be spoken with each other and do not loose their impression like the word made with (हंकार , हस्ती , हस्त सिंह , महान ) etc. All have (हंकार ) (हा ) is a symbol of ether. That is why the word made with ( हंकार ) has attainment like sky.
What is OM ॐ ?- Om is the Mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahmn Consciousness. The function of the mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness. The mantra Om opens the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supra-physical worlds, in the casual plan above, and finally, in the supreme librated transcendence above all cosmic existence. The mantra is the most direct and heightened, an intense and most divinely burdened rhythmic word which embodies an intuitive and revelatory inspiration and envelops the mind with the sight and the presence of the very self, the innermost reality of things, with its truth and the divine soul forms of it, the Godheads which are born from the living Truth. It is a supreme rhythmic language which seizes hold upon all that is finite and brings into each the light and voice of its own infinite.
It is a word of power and light that comes from the over mind inspiration, or from some high plane of intuition. Its characteristics are a language that convey infinitely more than the language and is borne out of the infinite and disappears into it. It has power to convey not merely the mental, vital or physical content or indications or values of the thing uttered, but its significance and figure in some fundamental and original consciousness which is behind all these and greater.
When the mantra sinks in yoga’s ear, - Its message enters stirring the blind brain, and keeps in the dim ignorant cells its sound।
- The hearer understands a form of words, and musing on the index thought it holds।
- He strives to read it with the labouring mind, but fins bright hints, not the embodied truth।
- Then, falling silent in himself to know, he meets the deeper listening of his soul.
The words repeats itself in rhythmic strain. - Thought, vision, feeling, sense, the body’s self. Are seized unutterably and he endures.
An ecstasy and an immortal chang. - He feels wideness and becomes a powe.
- All knowledge ruses on him like a se.
- Transmuted by the white spiritual ra. He walks in naked heavens of joy and calm.
- Sees the God-face and hears the transcendent speech.
Word combination is mantra. -When we write it separately (अ -उ -म ) it is letters , when we write it combined and pronounce it becomes mantra. Every letter, which combines and creates a frequency vibration in air, is called Mantra.
The word Mantra comes from Rigveda (Rik means mantra). Mantra can be divided into “मन ” and “त्र .” ‘मन ’ refers to the mind and ‘त्र ’ is the process thus the process to control / understand the mind is the essence of Mantra.
Mantra could be single word or a whole sentence. The most widely used is ॐ or AUM. It is said that the first primordial sound produced at the time of creation was the syllable AUM hence it became the first Mantra. The sound ‘A’ starts from the vocal chords, ‘U’ from the throat and ‘M’ when the lips are closed thus completing the passage of sound in our body. As such this is the longest and the fullest vowel. AUM embraces all the sounds within it and also represents the three states of consciousness viz. The waking state and the deep sleep state.
The sound of AUM can be further broken down as ‘A’ for gross material world, which we perceive through our sense organs, ‘U’ or the subtle- your experiences, and ‘M’ stands for the un-manifest or the world of sleep. (For those who suffer from insomnia the best Mantra is humming ‘mmmmmmm). Constant chanting of AUM transcends barriers and connects us to the very source of existence or GOD.
Mantra is a Godly power. It raises hidden power of human. Its regular recitation will fulfill all desires. The Science of Mantra cannot be purchased of money or wealth. It does not require recognition for its truth by us. In fact this science does not require any equipment or machinery. This is only reason it has got an unfathomed depth of technique. It requires the guidance as in modern science. Also need guidance but it is in process that is why we don’t feel its necessity.
In materialistic view the Mantra Science’s importance is reduced. That is the reason the knower of the Mantra Science are not available in large. We will get many to believe that Cerodine tablet will reduce the head-ache, but hundreds of us will laugh, joke that there is such people who remove poison of snake bite, Scorpion bite or other poisonous insect by Mantras. The reason we don’t get the people or capable person everywhere, every-now and then. In this only fault of Materialistic who has degraded this science. This does not mean that there is no truth in Mantra science.
The Supreme Significance of the Gayatri Mantra
"Om Bhur Buvah Swah, Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat "
ॐ भूर भुवः स्वः , तत्स्वितुर वरेनियम भर्गो देवाश्य धीमही, धियो यो नह प्रचोदयाह
Meaning of गायत्री मंत्र
AUM = the protector; (सबकी रक्षा करने वाला )
BHOOR = who is the basis of the whole universe and who is self existent and; (जो सब जगत के जीवन का आधार , प्राण से भी प्रिया और स्वयम्भू है ।)
BHUVAH = who is free from all pains and whose contact frees the soul from all troubles; ( जो सब दुखों से रहित , जिसके संग से जीव सब दुखों से छूट जाते है । )
SWAH = exists in different forms in this universe and sustains all. ( जो नानाविधि जगत के व्यापक हो के सब का धारण करता है .)
Tat = that very God; (उसी परमात्मा के स्वरुप को हम लोग )
Savitur = He is the creator and energizer of the whole universe; (जो सब जगत का उत्पादक और ऐश्वर्य का डाटा है ।)
Varenyam = worthy of acceptance, the most excellent; (जो स्वीकार करने योग्य अति श्रेष्ठ )
Bhargo = pure and purifier. (शुध्ध रूप और पवित्र करने वाला चेतन ब्रह्मस्वरूप है । )
Devasya = the giver of all happiness; (jo sab dukhon ka devanhaaraa aur jiski praapti ki kaamna sab karte hain.)
Dheemahi = let us embrace, so that; (dhaaran Karen. Kis prayojan ke liye ki )
Dhiyo = mind and thoughts. (Buddhiyon ko)
Yo = God may; (jo savita dev parmaatma )
Nah = our; (hamaari)
Prachodayat = direct; (prerna kare arthaat bure kaamon se chuda kar ache kaamon me pravrit kare।)
Sabkee rakshaa karne waalaa jo sab jagat ke jeevan ka aadhaar, praan se bhi priya aur swayambhu hai. Jo sab dukhon se rahit, jiske sang se jeev sab dukhon se choot jaate hai. Jo naanaavidhi jagat ke vyaapak hoke sabkaa dhaaran kartaa hai. Jo sab jagat ka utpaadak aue aiswarya ka daataa hai. Jo sab dukhon ka dene haaraa aur jiski praptee ki kaamnaa सब karte hain. Jo sweekaar karne yogya ati shreshth shuddhrup aur pavitra karne walaa chetan brahmswaroop hai. Usi parmaatma ke swarup ko hum log dhaaran Karen. Kis prayojan ke liye जो savita dev parmaatmaa hamaari buddhiyon ko prerna kare arthaat bure kaamon se chuda kar ache kaamon me pravrit kare.